let's give this a try

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Narrator point of view

Amber was happily drinking a coffee whilst doing homework, enjoying the small bit of serenity that she found herself in. She was completely in the zone of doing her homework. Absolutely nothing, destroy her train of thought.

Until her new friend just appeared in her room, right in front of her on top of her desk, she jerked back in surprise, but immediately calmed down when she saw it was just Alex

Amber, a little annoyed: Alex, what are you doing here... No wait. How did you do that?

Alex: I was testing my new teleporter that I just finished reconstructing, but it appears my calculations were off. I meant to teleport to the front door, not into your room. I apologise.

Amber, knowing that he was sincere, he was way too honest to lie: I guess it's alright... Wait, you have a teleporter, why are you just using it now?

He Shrugged as he got off the table: I just never found a use for it... Plus as I've just displayed it's a bit risky, one miscalculation and I could've ended up on the other side of the universe or worse in a supernova and let me tell you that is not fun I had a sunburn for a month

Amber ignored the fact that he basically said he had a supernova with only a sunburn. She decided to question for the reason for his visit: so what brings you to my house... Again?

Alexander opened up a portal, using his teleporter: I thought you might want to see my ship

Her eyes widen in surprised: you mean, go up into space... On the moon

Alexander nodded as if it was no big deal: yes, but just in case I get the coordinates wrong have this

He placed a circular object in the centre of Amber's chest, and a moment later, tiny little bots, came out and covered her body with what look like a suit: i'm not gonna ask why you have this with you, but I appreciate the concern. Are you sure it's okay for me to go up there I mean razzle and dazzle gonna be okay with a stranger

Alex: they should be fine, they're there enclosures along with the rest of my pets, they shouldn't bother you besides, I thought you said you wanted to see my ship?

Amber, slightly nervous: yeah, I know I said that but... The idea actually going to space I mean that's what every kid dreams of when they look up at the stars The I'm actually going there like it's no big deal it's just I don't know it's a bit much, I mean I still wanna go I just-

Alex interrupted her: you're nervous, I understand, believe it or not. I felt that way to the first time I went into space, so perhaps I should do what my mother did to calm me down, take my hand and we'll do it together.

He placed out his hand, and Amber gracefully took it as they stepped through a portal. She closed her eyes, knowing want to see, but when she opened them, she saw a world of wonders it was corridor, but it was filled with different things beyond her imagination, paintings, technology artwork Define description?

Amber stood and looked at it in all: wow, there's just really no other words to describe it. Wow

Alex, nod: I know even now I still am amazed at what I collected you know, it's truly amazing that everything here is from a different planet yet there are so many things that look so similar

The visitor couldn't help, but agree there were so many things that looked so different yet so similar. There were paintings that looked incredible. Someone even looked 3-D like she was looking at a picture from the movies, but it was a painting she could tell.

Amber went down the corridor, still not knowing that she was holding Alex's hand as they walked through as he showed her everything he had collected over the years he had been travelling, and she loved every single second of it, she enjoyed hearing about how he saved countless world how he brought peace to so many and he asked for nothing in return, but people wouldn't allow him to leave empty-handed and would give him some thing to remember them by

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