(Important decision) Family issues 

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Okay, I'm just gonna ask do you guys want me to make this a harem story because I think I can, but I will be making severe changes to the original story, and who knows maybe if I do get to season two, I will continue the fanfiction on based on the comic,

This is important please leave a comment about about your vote in this chapter please

Narrator's point of view

The soup kitchen was prepared Alexander and his new friends were serving people who are less fortunate than them until the late hours of the night. Amber was actually surprised that Alex went through with all of it. She never met a boy so willing to help people Without asking for anything in return

And despite her reservations, Samantha Wilson was pretty good in the kitchen. She didn't know how she managed to get so much food out of the ingredients that they bought yesterday, but she was thankful for it little. Did she know that Eve cheated a little and used her powers to create more food. She didn't see the harm in it.

So now they were cleaning up the dishes and tidying up the soup, kitchen just a bit more

Amber: I have to say Alex, I was kind of unsure if you were going to show up.

The alien that could tear the world into was busy, mopping the floor as he answered the girls question: why is that peculiar?

Amber was once again shocked by this line of questioning it seems like Alex was unbearably naive, but very kind and smart: no it's not it's just that Alex I don't we haven't known each other that long but I have to ask where do you homeschooled?

Alex not completely understanding the question: well, maybe put it out it's hard to say I went to "public school" until I was five after an "incident" that required more of a personal form of teaching why is that wrong?

Amber: no no it's fine I just put it out you don't really act like most guys your age, usually they're immature idiots or complete shut off to society. I mean there are the occasional good ones but you just seem to be in in the entirely different league not that there's anything wrong with that... Actually come to think of it. Why do you question whether or not you're doing something right?

Alex: i'll be honest it's been awhile since I've had a... Proper conversation with people for a very long time, I mean, I had friends, I just thought of that some I left behind some left others... Well they found more important things and I'm happy for them. It's just after a while and it got really lonely with only razzle and dazzle I think you're the first person in awhile, I've had a real conversation with without it being meaningless

The human girl wasn't sure how to take that whether it was a compliment, or something else, or she knew was that Alex was lonely

Before anything else could happen, Samantha Wilson walked out of the kitchen: I cleaned all the dishes and oh... You must be Alexander my name is Samantha Wilson, but please call me Eve

She placed a handout for a handshake. It took a while for Alexander, to realise what that meant, but he eventually took it.

The superhero in disguise, and the alien Liberator greeted each other: A pleasure, eve

Eve: so Amber tells me you travel a lot see anything interesting out there

The traveller smiled, and we couldn't tell them the exact details of his adventures, but he did like talking about his journey: so many things so many beautiful and unique things sure I can be lonely sometimes, but other times it's amazing just to know what's out there to see the magic of the worlds I mean world

Eve: well, it's nice to see someone still sees the wonder in the world. If you ask me the world is just too small, it's nothing left to discover nothing new about it. Everything is been mapped out, no more frontier to discover. I mean sure when Atlantis was discovered, everyone was thrilled about that, but now that's old news I mean is there anything really left in the world to wonder?

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