The 1600 year old virgin\ dishonour

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Just so you know the title has absolutely nothing to do with what's happening in this chapter, but it was too funny, and too good of a reference, not to put it as the title. It was either this or the talk, and I think I've made the right choice

Amber point of view

I cannot believe this, Alexander called me at school, telling me that we were going to meet up with Eve to discuss everything and I agree with that I was okay with that because I feel like having another superhero who knows the truth is a good thing, what I didn't think was a good idea was discussing the possibility that earth may be invaded by a bunch of superpowered whack jobs from outer space that want to turn the whole human race into baby makers. none other than the mall, one of the most populated areas in all of the world, a perfect place to have a nice private conversation about the fate of earth

(Okay I know that seems a bit ridiculous but it does kind of seem like that was the whole empire plan for earth all along)

But Alexander being well...Alexander didn't see your problem with that okay if this relationship is gonna work, I really need to teach him how things work on earth, but I have to say some of his relationship ideas in the culture. He grew up in aren't that bad like for example on the day where people first proclaim that they're going out they exchange gifts, I wasn't sure about it until he gave me a and I'm not joking at giant crystal and it was real. Apparently he found it while exploring Africa that very same afternoon so it was a rush Job but it's the thought that counts but in the fact that if I sell this thing, I might break the banks

He's sweet, but sometimes he can be rather clueless, but that's part of his charm. I guess still dating someone that is older than you is it's a difficult adjustment specially when someone is older than your parents, your grandparents and everyone in your families history mashed together I mean 1600 years old I know he said he's technically still a young adult but wow

There's also the prospect of him having families before me I know he said that he hasn't had any children or been in a serious relationship with someone in all his time, but what classifies has not a serious relationship to has he had one night stands. He said it himself once he had a night of passion with a princess from another world, I mean, how can I even compete with that what star she was rich? Another thing was she was a princess it was pretty incredible.

And I know that it's not like Alexander to lie... I'm actually not even sure if he knows how to do that considering how honesty is and if this relationship is going to continue, I'm going to need to teach him how to lie, but in a good way, like if I say does this dress make me look fat his job will be just to nod

Alexander : Amber, are you okay you haven't spoken in awhile have I done something to offend you or done something wrong?

I'd snap out of it and I remember there's another thing I've got to try and tell him that just because I'm quiet doesn't mean he's offended me or done anything wrong still it's nice that he thinks that but I really think we need to change a few things about his perception of earth : i'm fine, I'm just thinking about things... Look Alex, I don't really know how to ask you this, but I'm just gonna go for it anyway I know that we are just like starting out in our relationship and you're not sure if this is a good idea, and I respect that, but there is something I need to know and it's completely fine if you don't wanna answer it, but I expect an answer one day

Alexander : okay, what is it?

I take a deep breath and try to put this as delicately and as symbol as possible, and quite as well. There are children around. : exactly how many... the thing is Alex I would like to know how many people you've been with and I mean that in a sexual way... Look, it's not a big deal it's just I mean you've lived for 1600 years I just want to know how many relationships you've actually had that been relatively serious

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