It's only just begun

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Alex's point of view

Right now, I'm heading over to the guardians of the globe base apparently  Cecil wants to have as much information about the empire as possible and since my biological bastard of a father isn't talking I am the only source of information he has. I'm happy to do it. It's just the information that I have is a little out of date.

When I head in, I'm not exactly welcomed with open arms not like it was before the immortal had returned to the guardians well not officially but he was there to get as much information as he could as well it was clear even though I am not like my father, he did not trust me war Woman was happy to see me and a few of the other guardians were like monster girl who still asked questions about her miraculous transformation and Kate along with Sampson but the others not so much

Rex: oh look it's the son of a rapist and two mass murderer

I know that that comment was meant to hurt me, and it does but it doesn't mean it's any less truthful so I just ignore him as Kate slaps him around the head

Cecil: alright everyone shut up let Alex explain what he knows about the Empire

Everyone turn their attention to me well I was going to release this information anyway might as well be in front of the world last hope : okay so the Empire is basically run by the rules of survival of the fittest long before my mother was even born. They wiped out half of the population just to get rid of the weak to put it simply it's on monarch society and a bit of a dictatorship run by fear. The slightest show of emotions is considered weakness And they look down on pretty much all other forms of life because they think they're better than everyone else racial purity

Monster girl : well that's comforting, and they want to use earth as a breeding ground for people that are supposedly believing in racial purity, like you said why are they trying to take over earth and turn it into a breeding ground?

That is a very good question : that's a good question and truth be told because of this idea of racial purity. The Empire has refused to evolve which is led to their numbers being decreased by 99.9% there is roughly only 50 of my kind left, not including me or Mark of course that was 1600 years ago so those numbers could've changed in that time, but I do know is that they wouldn't of bread with any other kind of species that isn't genetically similar to them

Kate: so they're not interested in the planet because it will expend the empire their interested in it because it's their last hope of providing a new generation

Yes, but I think it's more than that: actually I think it's more than that. I think that somehow I have breed between a human and one of my people is by far one of the most dangerous things I've seen. Mark was inexperienced with his powers and immature but thinking about it if he was in control himself and had more experience he would've put up a decent fight against me. I'm not saying he would've won but still it's something to think about.

Cecil: we know why they're coming kid can you tell us anything about how to defeat them? Do we have any weaknesses that we should know about?

Yes, as a matter fact they do: yes they have a few weaknesses but none of which could be used on them right now because most of them are from other planets but there is one that I believe that everyone here can use their advantage if you hit someone from the Empire right on the ear with enough force it will associate them and if that happens then they'll lose balance and won't be able to. It might give you a few seconds, but it's enough time to unleash some punches.

War women: you said that your mother was considered one of the strongest in the empire. Does that mean you could beat the Empire yourself? She did teach you everything you know and it does seem that you have more strength than we previously thought. I mean you made Omni man beg for mercy.

That is a good question. I definitely think I could take a few soldiers by myself at once however there were two in the Empire that should be of my mother never could beat: there are two in the Empire that's my mother either never thought to or couldn't beat that would be the grand region the leader of the Empire and my grandfather

Rex taking it as a joke, he laughed: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha wait seriously your mom couldn't beat up her grandfather why would he do his back? Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Kate spoke out before I got a chance: Rex his grandfather's name is conquest he's killed countless people all for amusement not to mention he's responsible for killing Alex's stepfather. He's not a joke. He got Alex's mother and her mother to kill each other by saying that if they didn't, he would kill them

Rex immediately shut up as I continued: it's true that my grandfather is known as the oldest and most brutal soldier in the army. However there was one that stands above him the grand region truthfully my mother and him never actually had a fight because they knew that if the two of them really did get into it, one of them wasn't walking away so since my mother was a valuable soldier and the grand region was the leader they decided not to fight to put it simply with my grandfather I'm not sure I could win because my mother never beat him and as the grand region I know very little about how he attacks what his plans are I know is that he is incredibly strong and even my grandfather feared him

Sampson: well that's not good. What if they decide to drop by?

That's actually the good news: well technically the grand region doesn't leave the Home planet unless he has a very good reason and taking over a planet isn't really something he does himself and they don't send my grandfather unless they truly think it's necessary because even the Empire he's a hard man to control so chances are once they find out that Omni man has been captured. They'll send someone else, who I'm not sure so long as if is only one or two, I believe I can take them or perhaps use my mother reputation to scare them away according to her she earned the skull crusher

Robot or rather Rudy had a question: but didn't your mother break one of their rules about not reading with a nonhuman type of alien? Why would they listen to you?

That's where my plan comes into place: well technically my mother only changed because of what Omni man did to her and that is terrible but we can use it to our advantage because even my people rape is a serious crime so if we say that my mother only change because of what happened we let Omni man take the fall for it. I'll say that I am was there to avenge my mother and restore her honour or something along those lines and they'll believe that especially after I tell them the truth about what really happened between my mother and Omni man then I say that I'm going to take over the Earth in reality. I'm only saying that to keep you all safe so that we can build up an army/a plan to, fight the empire I mean that's my idea. Does anyone else have any better ones?

Cecil: I like the idea kid but what if they don't believe you?

Well then, we just have to go to Plan B: improvise, chances are if they don't believe me and I beat the first person that tries to take over the world after Omni man the likely send my grandfather to deal with me even if that's the case it's still going to take them six months maybe more just get here and even then we have no idea how Omni man was communicating with the Empire to begin with assuming he was communicating with them at all, so we really do not know how long we have, but I'm pretty sure we have a while before they-

My sentence was interrupted my sound of an alarm going off apparently something was coming towards the Earth at great speed it couldn't be the Empire not already. They wouldn't even know that Omni man has been captured unless maybe Omni man already called her back up when he started his invasion that's possible, but it would've taken long to get here. It must get to orbit and defend the Earth.

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