Judgement by Atlantis part 1

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Narrator's point of view

the week went on after even Alex had returned back to earth and had told them about her strange day and how something about the University wasn't sitting right with her however she told them before they start investigating that wall woman was looking into it so there was nothing too much to worry about 

the rest of the week went pretty much quiet Alex help to the guardians the globe with the Lizard league who upon seeing him immediately retreated some even surrendered knowing that they stood no chance against the strongest being on the planet there was also a newest member to the guardians of the globe the shapes mouth shape shifter Alex immediately recognised that the shape Smith was an alien but said nothing it wasn't his business and what was going on with the guardians although he did leave small whisper to war woman just in case

he also paid a visit to Debbie to see how she was doing she was getting better however slowly Alex tried to help her the best he could but there was still a level of awkwardness between them and couldn't be shaken, it was understandable in more ways than one the problem was neither one of them knew what to say to each other they barely knew each other and the first time they met wasn't exactly on best terms either all Alex could do was hope that things will get better for Debbie

Ace decided to stick around on earth, partly because when she found out that Alex was going up against the Empire she immediately volunteered to help after all he helped her people with their own civil war the least thing she could do was help him out with his own so she even got an Earth-based vehicle as a disguise motorcycle to hide her appearance from most of the public when they needed to go out and vote faster transportation

during the rest of the week Alex paid a visit back to Ryan and his mum and taught him more about self defence and controlling his powers,despite her concerns Ryan's mother could not be happier that Ryan was getting proper help from someone responsible with their powers and Ryan had come to look up to Alexander a.k.a. unbreakable like a brother

however these weekly visits to another dimension were often met with looks when he got back specifically by Eve and Amber

Alex: I know what you gonna say

Amber with arms crossed giving him the look: then I shouldn't have to keep repeating it, look I get that you and Ryan have a lot in common but I feel like stepping on the lion's tail we just got rid of selfish, insecure man child a.k.a. your half-brother do we really need to bring in another one

Alex: I know that I can just drop completely out of his life Ryan need someone to teach uses powers properly so it doesn't turn out like his dad

eve: we understand that Alex but I feel I just bring yourself a little thing what this universe is protector not their! Also you're the one who said interdimensional travelling is dangerous and yet you are doing it! That's a little hypocritical

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