I am-

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Alex's point of view

I do not understand this concept of hanging out that Amber suggested that we did with Eve, I was under the impression that we were on a mission to make me a superhero as fast as possible. Surely that should take priority than this "hanging out" process I was going to decline, but Amber insisted saying that it would be good for me to take a minute to relax so I agreed to this and I went back down to earth to meet her at the mall

I walk out of the alleyway that I used to hide my flying ability and Amber is already there: Alex, it's good that you could come down from... Your house on the moon, which is a sentence I never thought I would say.

She seems to be grasping the concept of me being from another planet quite well: I thank you for inviting me, but I still do not understand this concept of just hanging out. what is the significance of such a thing?

Amber: you know, just having fun with friends... Alex, you did hang out with friends before you came here right?

I look back a little bit, it's hard to say: well, I did hang out with other alien creatures they had different prospects of "hanging out" but I suppose you could say I have not most of my time was dedicated to helping the universe and stopping evil tyrants from abusing their power. I have had friends we just were in constant danger trying to fix the universe. We knew it was an impossible task, but we believed in the mission that we were doing, I still believe in that

Amber used another strange term to me: so basically you a workaholic

I am confused by this new term: what is this "workaholic" that you speak of?

She then explains: it means that you have dedicated a lot of time into Work. I get it you want to make the universe a better place. I respect that, but I think you could use some time to relax trust me, you'll thank me for it later

She seemed so sure of this so I did as she said I joined her in the mall where we met up with Eve and just did talking about things. I wasn't really sure what the topic was of the conversation, but I joined in the best I could i'd still have much to learn about earth's culture after all

Eve: so Alexander, how do you like the city so far?

I think about it for a moment: it is... Very interesting metropolis there are still many things I must learn before I can stay here

Eve: oh so you're planning on sticking around, so I have to ask do you like to go to school or something because I mean you seem like you're old enough but I haven't seen you around mine and Amber's school

I respond with: I was homeschooled, my mother and father wished for me to have a very pacific education but you need not worry yourself I am quite educated. There are certain aspects that I lack however

Eve: oh, wait, why did your parents want you to have a very pacific education where they like concerns that you would take in some bad habits?

looking to Amber questioning her to what means thankfully she got the message and answered for me: oh, yeah, Alex told me about this his mother and father believed it was best that he had an education that fitted around what he wanted to do instead of cramming him with things, they believed he did not need

I know in agreement, even though I'm not sure what that means: yes, they taught me in the basics of science, mathematics and literature just as I requested, they taught me what they believed to be useful instead of cramming, my head with information that I would not use again

Eve: what about history?

That I can easily answer: my father did teach me of history, but he did neglect a few aspects of history that because a lot of different cultures have many different histories, so I am a little confused when it comes to the history of... America, but I have read books and I am planning on learning

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