When you going through hell keep going

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The scene above inspired this chapter

Narrators point of view

It was another lovely day on earth, at least according to Alex, he was enjoying his time taking in the sites and enjoying learning more about this strange planet. It wasn't the first time he had to learn about a planets culture before introducing himself to the populous. He often found that when it came to something like this it was like taking a holiday. Enjoying new sites. New smells and everything just felt like he was on vacation. A well-deserved one after so long. The last time he took some time off was at least 500 years ago maybe even longer

Alex : I need to find a way to get some currency otherwise I won't be able to purchase anything here. I believe that there is this rare material called diamonds that go for a lot of dough as Amber called it. But where will I find this rare material I believe it's in something called cold but it requires a lot of pressure perhaps I can acquire some in this place called a steam train

Unfortunately, Alex could not find a steam train, so he went the next available source of coal flying under the radar to avoid government interference. He flew to a price called Africa where, apparently a lot of diamonds were found. He dug into the ground, finding a few bits of coal and crush them in his bare hands , creating small diamonds, then flying back to the United States. He went back to a jeweller and sold the diamonds for a absorbable amount of cash even though the diamonds were worth way more than he was told, but Alex didn't care. He had now over $10,0000 the jeweller said he was going to retire next month now, so he was happy He was happy.

The alien young man then went back to the clothing store which she borrowed the clothes from and gave them some money that he owed them. He then proceeded to have what was known as a coffee. It tasted nice, but he didn't quite get the trend of it all. So now Alex was just sitting on a bench for a bus, just enjoying his time on the planet

Alex thought to himself as he sipped from his coffee: do you know this place ain't so bad I mean some of the people here are not so nice, but they are good people here and it's kinda nice to being able to blend in and not be the centre of attention I am never gonna be able to live down what happened on that one planet where the entire race thought I was they're God it's nice just to be... Well, a person. mum could see this world, She'd love it.

Alex close his eyes and let his thoughts run wild, having memories of his mother and stepfather. It was peculiar. He knew that the world he grew up in for the first five years of his life wasn't his world, but it felt like Home, and it still did, even after it was gone, he still remembered that fateful day when his powers kicked in, and his mother sat down with him, and explained who they were, and where they truly came from


A five-year-old Alex On the floor, playing with his alien toys it had been a very bizarre day, Alex, whilst having a hissy fit about one of his toys, breaking accidentally tore a tree out from its roots, and threw it as far as he could, which had it ending up through a mountain

His mum said that they had to talk about something so she sat him down and sat across from him: son, I think it's about time we had this talk... I was hoping that this was going to have to wait until you were older, but I'm sure you've already realised that you aren't like the other kids on this planet

The younger version of Alex: of course, not Mum everyone on the playground at least a foot bigger than me they have three fingers I'll have five and the skin is blue

The mother laughed at her child: yes, I know that's true, and I guess you figured out that your father isn't really your... Blood father

The Young Boy nodded: yeah, it's hard not to know I mean, we don't look anything alike and the teacher was just talking about genetics in family members just yesterday... What exactly are we?

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