Have you made mistakes

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Narrator point of view

Eve was not looking forward to this, but she knew she had to do it right now. Her and Alex were standing outside of her childhood home where her parents were when she stormed out and told them she wasn't coming back. She wasn't planning on coming back, but she felt like her parents were owed an explanation, or the very least, her mother was owed one

Alex saw how she was distressed: if you don't want to do this, we don't have to you don't owe them anything

Eve disagreed: no I owe them this much. At least I owe my mom my dad, not so sure... I mean you don't have to go in there if you don't want to my dad's gonna make everything uncomfortable that much I know so if you don't wanna-

Alex: no, no it's fine I mean deal with giant monsters, alien invasions and other stuff I think I can handle getting names called by someone's father

Eve: yeah, hold onto that

She knocked on the door as the two waited outside for a moment. It didn't take long until Eve's mother open the door, surprised to see her daughter she hugged her. She was confused by the boy that was with her daughter, but she invited them in. The father, was waiting with his arms crossed, and a very unhappy look on his face.

The father completely ignoring Alex's existence: we knew you'd come back to the big walkout

eve can already feel her dad getting on her nerves: I didn't come back to argue what a fight and I'm not moving back in... I came to get something that I don't want to replicate and I came actually give you an apology for how I left things of didn't mean to say the F word to you

her father: apology not accepted how dare you say something like that to us we raised you you could show us some respect

Alex felt the urge to say something: perhaps she would show your respect if you showed her some

the father in the room heard the whisper that Alex gave of as a vein was abundantly clear in his forehead angered by what he heard: I'm sorry who are you

eve stepped in between them before anything could happen: dad this is my friend Alexander but he likes to be called Alex he's a hero as well you might have heard of him his .......unbreakable

her father: oh great another superpowered freak in my house what is your new boyfriend now

the mother: Adam!

Adam: I mean it seriously why do you always have to go for the weirdos what's wrong with you

Alexander wanted to support a defender's friend but Eve got in his way she appreciated what Alex was doing but she could find her own battles: okay. First of all Alex is not my boyfriend secondly don't call him a freak thirdly why did I think any of this would change seriously would it kill you to just try and be a little open-minded and think that the world doesn't of all around you and the stupid house and what do you want from me me to stop using my powers to just go on being normalised the world around me burns

Adam: yes exactly the world isn't that bad we better for the superheroes just disappeared

Alex strongly disagreed with that: actually it is unlikely that the human race would survive without superheroes it seems as if the human race is divided on every single issue is including gun laws pollution global warming and many others it is unlikely that the human race would survive unless action is taken. But it seems as if everyone has their what is the word?  head in the sand

Adam and his wife looked at Alexander confused Eve chuckled as she had forgotten how Lunt Alex could be: Alex I appreciate the lesson in humanities... Less than ideal aspects but you could dollar down a bit

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