What happened 1590 years ago

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Hey guys, so before that the big battle between Omni man and I'm breakable starts I feel like I should give a bit of context to what happened to Alex 1590 years ago, so this is the story of how Alex became an orphan

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Narrator point of view


Alex was 10 years old back on his home planet with his family happily finishing off some homework that was assigned to him. He didn't mind doing it. It helped kill his mind and his mother said that because they were going to live in eternal life there's not mean he could skip out on doing the usual things a kid his age would do.

Of course Alex can completely understand what it meant at the time, but he didn't really much care. His mother and father had told him to do something and he knew that he had to do it. Especially now he couldn't get into an argument with his mother or stepfather. They were having a time of their lives with prospect of a new child coming along the second step in getting what they've always wanted a really big family Alex didn't mind he knew that that was his parents dream from the start, in a way he wanted to and he knew that his stepfather wasn't going to love his new baby sister more than he loved him even if he did he would he understand after all, he was on his blood son still, he never treated him differently

Alex was almost finished. He was just about done with his homework and he was allowed to go out and playing fields flying through the sky like you always did was part of his training and it was a lot of fun. That's how today was supposed to go

Until his mother came into the house coughed, and she looked scared: Alex!

He jumped at the mention of his own name. It was just the way his mother said it, it scares him: mama what is it what's wrong?

His mother quickly picked him up and had him under the bed without any explanation. She just said.: sweetie, you're going to hide under the bed in a matter what you hear, promise me promise me you won't come out

The little boy was still confused on what was going on, and where his stepfather was: mamma what's going on? Where is Dad?

His mother hesitantly responded as she got up from the bed: he is... Away now sweetie listen, please promise me you won't give up no matter what happens

Alex, confused and scared, just nodded as he watched from under the bed as his mother destroyed all the family photos with him in it, leaving no trace that he was ever there in the house

This confused him, but his confusion was quickly run over by fear when something came crashing through the roof of the house. Alex looked up to see a man with grey hair, and a robotic arm, holding his father by the neck, strangling him.

 Alex looked up to see a man with grey hair, and a robotic arm, holding his father by the neck, strangling him

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(I don't own this picture oh, and imagine that he doesn't have the scar yet)

Conquest, the oldest in the Empire held his technical son-in-law by the throat, strangling him ready to snap his neck at any time, but he looked at his daughter with disgust: you disappoint me, daughter, you mated with this filthy thing

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