Invincible versus unbreakable part 1

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Ambers point of view

Alex and Eve dropped me off at my home, it wasn't exactly the week off I expected, but still, it was nice, if only for a little while Plus we kind of save the world I think that's a rewarding itself. I would've wanted to come back with Alex to ship to spend some alone time together, but eve kind of already called first dibs.

They are going out on a date in the simulator, and I don't wanna interrupt them... Yeah I'm not Zack I'm thrilled about the regular to them. I'm going out on a date but I was the one that suggested we try this open relationship so I can't complain, and I have been hogging Alex since we had the agreement, so I think you've kind of been her rights to have some alone time with him.

I just can't help it going in he's my boyfriend, but I have to remember that he's also eve as well that's what we agreed it's more than just me wanting to be with him. I just wanna make sure he's okay. I feel like he's always on the verge of drowning in his own grief and his whole situation on earth is not helping him either.

But I can't shield him from paying forever and his girlfriend not his mother still I just wish I could just make all the pain go away even when we win. I somehow feel that Alex is still suffering somehow I just wish I knew how to fix him so that he could just finally have a moment of peace.

Watching his parents, get the, the time war, losing his best friend spending so much time alone how much trauma can one person go through that's most of the problem Alex doesn't like to talk about it, unless there's a reason to talk about it and he told us about the timer and what he had to do and how he didn't want to do it, but other than that we don't really know the details so that we know that the time wasn't just the big bomb and that's it. There were other stories in there too he just doesn't like to talk about them

Plus there's still that mystery thing that he told me about that one time when he was at the edge of the universe keeps telling me it's better if I don't know but I don't think it is. I think he's hiding something I don't think it's bad I just think he's scared to admit it.

I don't know what he found out there, but I can't be anything good. I just want to know what it weighs because it scares him I can see it every time we try to bring it up. I see that look of fear in his eyes I want him to tell me why he's afraid what happened, but he just closes up and refuses to talk about. I get that whatever it was was bad but maybe talking about it would help.

Oh well maybe I'm just overreacting I'll tell me one day I know that much because even if we stop dating which I sincerely hope we don't. I'm still going to be his friend if he needs someone to listen to him to be there for him. Tell him that everything is gonna be okay I'll be that person I think after everything he deserves that much at least

Start unpacking things in my room. Mum and dad aren't here, it's their anniversary tonight so they're out celebrating... I still need to talk to them about me going to university and how I wanna move in with Alex when that happens, I mean, they seem to like him, so I don't think they're gonna have any complaints and they do know that he has other roommates... Course I wasn't very forthcoming with the fact that one of them is supposed to be dead, super hero and the other one is someone who can rearrange nonliving molecules on a molecular level

So I think they'll be okay with that site Alex's ship is probably the safest place in the entire universe for me, and with his teleporter, I can be at university and just teleport myself back to my room when I'm done, doesn't seem like it will be much of a problem cause I can't tell my parents that they still don't know Alex is an alien and we're gonna try keeping that on the down low for as long as we can obviously we're gonna tell them one day we just don't know when that day is going to be

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