Honestly, I think he needs us a lot more than we need him

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Eve point view

It felt so good, even though it was so wrong, I knew I shouldn't, but I went for it. Anyway I kissed my best friend's boyfriend on the lips. I couldn't help myself. I don't know why I did what I did I just couldn't stop myself my instincts took over, and before I knew it, I was Doing what I always wanted, but knew I couldn't

It didn't take long for Alex to regain his senses and push me away. He just looked at me, and the way he looked at me. It felt like daggers in my heart. It wasn't a look of it was a look of betrayal, but not just me at himself oh my God, what did I do? He opened the portal and teleported me out of the spaceship and back at school. I don't think he planned on teleporting me here, but I don't know what he was thinking. He must be so confused... I need to apologise to him. No, I need to apologise to Amber, first, I don't want to ruin our friendship because of something I did in the heat of the moment.

I fly over to her house luckily it's almost dark so Amber told me that her parents tend to work late at the community centre so we should have the whole house to ourselves which is probably a good thing. Considering what I'm about to tell her I knock on her window and she answers

I don't even know where to begin : I did something bad, Amber

Amber: you kissed Alex didn't you?

I am in complete and total shock, she already knew, and she just said it nonchalantly as if it was nothing : yes... How did you know?

Amber picked up a phone and showed me that Alex had called her literally minutes after the whole thing happened. Wow, that guy does not hesitate.: Alex told me don't worry, he didn't say it was your fault. He said that it was partially his. He started talking about his emotions and things gone out of control. The truth is I'm not completely mad about it.

I look at her confused. She does realise that I kissed her boyfriend, right like I completely violated her trust: Amber, did you get hit in the head because you're not making any sense how can you be OK with this?

Amber: I'm not okay with it but... Let's be real here, we don't have a normal friendship/relationship with Alex. We're basically his support for his PTSD which just seems to get longer and longer look the point I'm making is I think he needs us a lot more than we need him

That might be true, but I do think we need Alex to be on earth a lot more than he needs us. I mean he's dealt with his trauma for the past God knows how long why would he suddenly need help from two earth girls that probably can't even contemplate what he's been through, plus what does it have to do with me, kissing her boyfriend and her being completely fine with it

Amber continued: Eve look I didn't like you before I met Alex. I thought you were some stuck up girl that didn't know what it was like to live in the real world. That's what I thought, till Alex showed me, otherwise, showed me that just because someone b motions of you went away, and I learned that just because someone looks, and sounds  like they've had it Easy doesn't mean they do doesn't mean they've had it easy. And when I found out that you were a superhero all of my pre-existing motions of you just went out the window. And you became my friend I don't want to change that but there's something more to that I don't think we've just become friends/girlfriend with Alex, I think in a weird way we've become like a family

I do not understand her: what are you talking about?

Amber explained: eve, let's be honest here when are you happiest?

I think about it for a moment, and there's only one time I feel the happiest: when I'm with... Alex

She nods: the same thing for me, and I think the same thing for Kate and war woman and I think it's vice versa for Alex we make him feel like he has a home here and it's not just me it's everyone... I can see that you're still confused so let's just jump to the big question Eve do you love Alex and please answer honestly

She gave me a genuine question and I have to answer. Honestly, I don't wanna hurt her: I do with all of my heart

Amber: and so do I... Look, this is gonna sound weird, but why don't we just share?

My eyes widen, as I look at Amber, expecting her to laugh or say it was a joke, but she's got that they look serious in her eyes, she really means it, she's actually suggesting that me her and Alex... Have a relationship: Amber, you, realise how-

Amber answers before me: inappropriate and crazy that sounds yeah I do trust me I know. But I also know that I don't wanna lose you or Alex besides Alex once told me that he's been depressed with multiple mates in a relationship. Maybe we could make it work, it's worth a try.

She serious about this: put Amber, what will the people think?

Amber: Eve I'm dating an alien. I just told my best friend it's okay for her to share him. You really think I care about what people think I want to do this and I don't care what the rest of the world says the question is do you want to do this?

She looks at me expecting an answer. How the hell am I supposed to answer that I mean yeah it would be great because I get to keep my friendship with Amber and we both can have the guy we like, but I mean the implications alone. It's just mind-boggling I mean what would happen if one of us didn't want to be with Alex anymore with Alex break up with the other What would people say when they found out and thinking about this long time there's a whole other list of issues... But my heart is telling me to answer with: yes I do I really do because I love Alex with all of my heart

Amber Nod: okay, we've discussed it now, and we both agree now I just need to tell Alex The... News

I raised an eyebrow. She already talked about this with Alex.: you already talked about this with him?

She nodded : yeah, pretty much when he called me, and told me what happened. I kind of figured you were on your way here and if I'm being honest, this has been at the back of my mind for awhile now so I thought why not ask. You should know that Alex didn't jump on this. He had his own fears and reservations about the whole thing, but he eventually agreed to it.

Well, what do you know a guy that doesn't secretly want to girlfriends Who would've thought?: Oh, that's sweet, alien young man... So how is this going to work exactly?

Amber: I don't know obviously we can't let people found out about it not yet anyway so we keep all of this hush-hush even from the others. But honestly I think it could be a bit fun

She might be right it could be a bit of fun. Well I guess all is well that ends well with this. We still need to come up with some sort of rules but we can figure that out later right now. I'm just happy that I get to keep the man I love and my best friend.

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