The aftermath of the Dalek

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eve point of view 

it's been a week since Alex came back and he still not come back to being unbreakable but honestly high can blame him he just essentially ended a wall that's been lusting way longer than it should. Me and Amber have been trying to help him through this process facing a Dalek again has brought up some bad memories from his time in the time war

he doesn't give us great detail he tells us that he was in battle how he could use his powers against the Daleks so he was essentially a footsoldier and I think they saw down there wanted him to this day he just kept running to avoid facing another. He is having to deal with everything and that's only one battle of many that he is taking part of Alex has played a key part in other planets history there is a planet that basically makes him the equivalent of Zeus 

still after all that power after all that battle is still just a young adult and it had to deal with pressure far beyond what anyone should have to now he's getting dragged into another fight but this time it's personal he wants to finish this he wants to stop the Empire from getting any further than Earth not just for our sakes before all the planets behind us we are now a wall where the Empire is not allowed to get past

Alex and I were hanging out in the teen team base playing ping-pong of course Alex was holding back severely: I still do not understand the concept of this university that Amber wants us to visit is it not the point of finishing high school to endure academic learning stage?

Oh that's right Amber wanted all three of us to visit a university was having an open time soon against going to university it's just well the world could end we could be enslaved I feel like that should take priority instead of planning for the immediate future: it's complicated Alex some people want to learn more there are some things you just can learn in school besides universities and just about learning about independence prepares you for the real world I guess

Alex hitting the ping-pong in his case very gently but in my case so hard that it bounced off the table and left a giant hole in it: I suppose that makes sense but... However I do not understand why I have to go I understand that I need to make Amber happy in our relationship but I do not see the reason for me to go

to be honest I'm kinda stumped on that to Amber insisted that Alex, along whether or not it was because she wanted a date or because she wanted to hang out with him was unclear: I know maybe you've shown her so much of your life maybe she wants to show you a bit of hers site Alex after everything you've been through in the past couple of months don't you think you deserve the chance to be a bit normal it came to earth to find a new home well right now you've been defending it why not live in it for a while

Alex: that would be wonderful... But no disrespect anything at upstate University could teach me I learned a long time ago

yeah I kind of expected that, I mean his dad was a master mechanic with technology levels far beyond anything on earth and his mother well... She's seen more of the universe then I ever will in my lifetime

Alex changed the subject: how is the rest of the guardians after the incident?

I heard back from Kate when he was still coming back from the sun: well like Samson's gonna be okay if that is better than okay he's got his powers back still unsure how that happened I thought you said shock from a Dalek is lethal even to you

Alex explained: to be honest I'm not entirely sure how he survived perhaps his powers that were reactivated when he was shot had something to do with it. Some other people have survived a Dalek shot it's just those people work time lords and they had this neat way of cheating death in a manner of speaking

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