Mark you've got trouble/Just helping people

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Marks point of view

It's been only a day since the guardians were murdered and everyone still in the dark about it and my dad is still in the hospital and he hasn't woken up yet. I've been going out more often as invincible but so far nothing come up that's world ending yet so I guess everything's okay for now

William reached towards me : mark you have trouble

I look at him questionably : yeah, William, my dad's still in the hospital and hasn't woken up yet or have you forgotten?

William: I know that, but there's something else you're not gonna believe it, I saw Amber with a guy yesterday at the mall and the two of them looked like they were on a date

What but I thought Amber was single at least she was two days ago : but Amber said she was single do you think she lied?

William: and maybe the guy give me look older than her but only by three years actually come to think of it kinda look like you... Only more handsome and muscular

thank you for their visual William: really?

He didn't understand that I was being sarcastic: no I'm seriously he was like you only the levelled up version of you yet this kind of look of a gentleman with kindness written all over him so manly and muscular... I hope that they and Amber or anything because if they aren't swing at him

he seriously does not notice the fact that I really hate being compared to a guy that supposedly looks like me but is better looking whatever so Amber when to the mall with some guy doesn't necessarily mean they're dating she's come down the hallway now I could ask her

we know each other now so it's not weird for me just to go up and ask the right okay maybe it is but luckily I don't have to William seems to be way ahead of me for his own reasons: hey Amber and William a friend of Marx I just Wanna ask I saw you at the mall with some guy what's his... Deal

Amber: oh you mean Alexander but he likes because Alex honestly I'm not sure what his deal is was the first time we met we just bumped into each other on the street he was known around town I offered to show him around if he carried my staff and we just went from there to say though he was weird but good way

that's when I jump into the conversation: how can someone be weird in a good way doesn't seem normal

Amber: well I don't disagree with you about he seemed like a genuine gentleman, I picked up a bit of an accent but I couldn't quite tell where he was from. Plus when he dropped me off he didn't ask for anything in return I got my phone number or good race each other again he just said till we meet again which confused me because usually if a guy does something like that they asked for something in return mean it's just biology right

I would totally never... Okay yeah I would probably ask for something in return: maybe Alexander is gay

Amber shook her head: now you didn't seem like that bisexual maybe but he did seem like he was flirting with me sometimes in small doses it was kinda charming. He also had this whole way of looking at the world like you could only see its beauty is actually refreshing to hear his perspective of buildings he didn't see the beauty in the architect he saw the beauty in how it was being built up how it became what it was was rather eye-opening.

Okay yeah that sounds like it would be interesting but come on this guy can't be that perfect: ever come on this guy cannot be that perfect and dividing on better I would say you have a bit of crash

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