In another dimension 

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Hey guys, I thought I would just give you something short today, but I think you'll like it

To give you a bit of context. This is a universe similar to what if invisible said yes to only man about taking over the world, but here's the twist. It's also what if omni man and conquest never found Skullcrusher

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Narrators point of view

(I don't own this video)

Just as Mark was about to finish off the resistance, something grabbed hold of his hand from behind. He looked behind him to see someone who looked very similar to him. He then was hit with the back of the strangers hand, sending him flying across the room smashing him into a nearby wall

Omni man look at the stranger he never seen him before, but something about him, screaming familiarity: Who the hell are you supposed to be?

The stranger smirked: what you don't recognise the family resemblance... That's so hurtful, right sis

Suddenly somebody tackled Omni man into the wall before you even had a chance to react him, and his son were already smashed into the wall responsible for the attack was a Young woman looking roughly the same age as the stranger only her eyes were a golden yellow and her skin colour was slightly darker than her brother, but it was clear that the two of them were related she also had two massive pigtails both with blades on the end

The sister: this is only man... I expected more. Oh well, Mum I did say he was nothing, but a filthy liar anyway. And what are they wearing? It's so pedestrian it feels like my eyes want to throw up on how unstylish that is

The stranger floated towards his little sister: Selena like we're wants to talk we wear plain white all the time

The girl, now known as Selena cross the arms and raised her eyebrow at her brother: I know, but we make it look good. I mean this just looks like a fashion disaster I need to see the colours don't even match mate, in fashion designer is just telling me it's yuck come on Alex, like you don't think so too

The stranger, now known as Alex nodded at his little sisters comment, partly because he knew that if he didn't, the two of them would be arguing about it for the next 50 years

Thinking that the children were distracted, Mark took this chance to charge at Sarina only to be stopped by another stranger. This one looked more similar to Sarina. It was a young man more slimmer than the other two, but still as strong as he grabbed hold of invincible and smashed into the ground, punching him causing a nosebleed.

Alex: Edward you were supposed to be in charge of making sure the people were safe

The new stranger named Edward spoke in a deep voice: relax bro, the twins are taking care of it

Selena rolled her eyes: oh look, he's doing is cool, deep voice ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Edward, now speaking in his normal voice, which was high-pitched: hey, it's not easy, I'm the youngest out of all of us I'm still going through puberty!

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