A cyber man!

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Hey guys, don't be fooled by the title, The cyber man going to be included in this chapter also, today's chapter is relatively short because I am very busy today, so I wasn't able to go out into more detail like I originally wanted either way I hope you enjoy

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Narrators point of view

(Warning this video does get bloody)

A few days later, Amber, Eve and Alex were walking around upstate university campus there were many others checking it out and planning on going there next year but the person that caught their attention was Mark he was hanging out with William. The two groups spotted each other. Alex wanted to go over there and talk to him and try to start a relatively good relationship with his half brother, but the girls stopped him.

Eve: Alex I get it. He's your brother but don't forget he sold you out he wanted to get you killed.

Alex: I know he doesn't know that I am-

Amber snapped him out of it: that doesn't change anything whether he knew you're his brother or not he sold you out and wanted you dead there's no excuse for that. Let's just ignore him and try to have a normal day... We are having a normal day right there not gonna be any sort of, weird stuff happening

Alex:... Well there has been some strange readings coming from this nearby area but I'm pretty sure it's just a glitch my computer saying that there's alien technology here but it's human which doesn't make a lot of sense it can't be alien and human at the same time

Eve: Alex not to sound offensive but aren't we Aliens to you?

Alex nodded: okay Fairpoint it's just the readings don't make any sense. They're saying that the technology is primitive but it's advanced that's impossible. How can somebody be primitive and advanced at the same time?

Amber: well I suppose it just depends on the point of you, but regardless if it is just a glitch, let's just enjoy our time together

The three agreed and continued their tour of upstate University and Alex were happy to attend even though neither of them were planning on attending next year because she didn't see the point in the idea of going to university if the world was going to end and Alex because this universities education would be considered to be preschool stuff compared to what he already knows, but they were happy to be there to support Amber is making a decision to what she wanted to do in the future

However, Alex still did not understand: I really do not understand this concept of university. Why are you so many people want to go here? If and I quote just want to drink and party is this not a place for learning?

Amber laughed. She had forgotten how adorably ignorant Alex could be: it's not about learning in some cases Alex it's just sometimes some people want to be independent university gives us that opportunity.

Alex: I suppose it would be appealing still I do not quite understand if they want independence then why not go out and get a job after high school?

Eve took this one: some people aren't ready for that... It's complicated Alex some jobs require more education than others and wow yes it is true. Some people just come to university because they want to party without much responsibilities but there are a few people who come here because they want to learn more

Alex could understand that even after 1600 years he still wanted to learn more about the universe about everything and especially about his new home they continued exploring the campus stopping by any lectures that were open to the visitors. There was just one about the human body which Alex found most interesting once against amazed him how fragile humans were but yet after all of the problems all of their mistakes they still manage to build a functioning well relatively functioning society.

there was this one guy that interrupted the lesson with a speech about how human problems are just mechanical problems that need to be fixed. Alex gave him the stink as he left something about him didn't seem right especially with the way he was talking to one of Mark and Williams friends Rick.

The three of them were walking outside now after that lecture
Eve: okay wasn't me or was that guy super creepy?

Amber agreed you don't have to tell me twice God the way he was talking about human bodies sounded like we were bunch machines

Alex: kinda remind me of the planet I once visited a long time ago... Actually yeah reminded me a lot of it. I don't know why I can't remember exactly what happened on that planet but I do remember it was something horrible... Which I had nothing to do with

Amber: we don't doubt that Alex but why did that guy remind you of a planet that you can't remember?

Alex shrugged: i've been to many different planets with many different cultures and some of them. I've been less than ideal... I've been to one planet where they mutilate their female born into males that was disturbing enough with this guy reminded me of that planet I can't remember its name, but I do remember that I was sick like I was physically sick when I found out what they did to themselves, and in some cases what they did against their own people

Eve ignored the fact that Alex just blurted out that he's been into a planet where all females were turned into males against their will: OK so what could've happened on that planet that would spark and interest with mr. Creepy.

Alex: I don't know it's just the way he said something like how humans need to be fixed... What happened on that planet? Why can't I remember it correctly?

Amber made a joke: well no offence Alex but you are 1600 years old maybe some dementia kicking in ha ha ha ha

Eve laughed too Alex rolled his eyes and smirked: alright alright probably doesn't matter anyway it's not like it's just gonna burst in and-

The three was interrupted by the sounds of screaming as people ran in terror from something taking the initiative. Alex, and Eve got quickly changed into the superhero Amber stayed back and helped with the civilians who were running away when the two finally got to the front they saw what was making people run away. It looked like a machine mixed with a man pouring out its mouth as it roar

 It looked like a machine mixed with a man pouring out its mouth as it roar

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Alex gasped: impossible is that!!... Cyberman?!

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