6 months later part 2 🍋

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Narrators point of view

Whilst everything was going on in the unbreakable universe, things were unravelling in another universe similar to the one Alex found him self in, but very different in a number of ways but in one particular way, was about to cause Alex a lot of trouble as a misguided, but brilliant man was planning to build the utopia for all dimensions however, he did not understand the depth or consequences of what he was about to entail

(I do not own this video)

Back in unbreakable dimension he was working on his device that could help improve earths climate. He was working hard on it for the past six months. He only had one shot at this to get it right but truth be told Alex had an alternative reason to work so hard on it

The depression was getting worse, and he still had no clue as to why he technically won. His father was behind bars. Everyone knew what he did. Everyone knew that his mother was a good person. He had a girlfriend, two technically. Everything was going great so why did he feel so depressed so defeated Alex just couldn't understand

He dealt with depression before after the time war, he didn't take it in a very positive way, but he got over it after 50 years of bad decisions that cost him his only friend he had left after the war but he could understand why he was depressed then he couldn't understand why he was depressed now

His pets could also sense that their master was feeling down. Fang rubbed her nose against his hand, encouraging him to pet her which he did.

Alex rubbing her belly: thanks girl, I'm okay... Maybe I just need to go back to earth and clear my head a bit more

That was the plan, at least until Alex's computer came up with an alert, an alert that hadn't gone off in a very very long time

He looked at the readings, and he was shocked at what he found: no, that's impossible these readings they have to be wrong... If this is correct, someone's been moving between realities and trying to break into ours

Going into immediate crisis mode, Alexander teleport it down to the secondary base a.k.a. the old teen team base where Eve was watching a computer. She was in charge of keeping an eye on the news, making sure that all of Alex's plans for a liberated world were coming true, and so far. There was nothing to concern about.

Eve noticed Alex: oh hey Alex... Oh no I know that look, what is it this time? And on a scale from one to 10, how bad is it?

Alex: honestly, I don't know if I need you to check these readings in the secondary computer and do a worldwide scan

Eve nod and typed in the readings to the computer, true that she wasn't robot when it comes to computers, but she knew the basics, and Alexander would've helped her if she needed it, which she didn't

The computer did the scans and Eve was left questioning Alex about what this was all about: Alex, what is going on?

The alien Young man explained: it's complicated and I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. To put it simply someone has been going in and out of dimensions alternate dimensions to our own

Eve eyes widened: Wait, do you mean like the Multiverse... Oh my God, I thought that was just a sci-fi thing just telling me it's an actual thing

He nodded: yeah, although this should be impossible no one's been able to travel to dimensions since the time Lord died out Peck and you could go to another reality and be back in time for supper that's what me and my friend did. But when the time Lords died, the war between reality had to be closed not because of the dangers in alternate reality, is it was because of... The void

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