Welcome back to the land of the living

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Narrators point of view

Alex gathered what he needed to perform the operation to bring war woman back from the dead  truth be told he had attempted something like this a long time ago to bring back his mother, but he didn't Work. His mother was too badly decomposed ever since then he hadn't used this technology but it was time for some desperate measures

Amber, who he brought up to his ship to witness the event, and to also ask for permission to go through with it : are you absolutely certain this will work... I know that we need all the allies we can get and we probably also need to prove the fact that Omni man was responsible for the guardians murder, but this kind of feels like it's crossing a line. Are you 100% certain

Alex shrugged : a 50-50 odds to be honest, but she's the only one who is possible for resurrection. The rest of the guardians were as you said butchered.

Amber, still not sure about this, but decided to put a trust in her boyfriend : alright, do what you have to do, but if this doesn't work, we're putting her right back

He noted as he began the operation, he placed heart monitors, or what look to be heart monitors on her chest, then placed some wires across her forehead he then placed a needle into her arm directly into some of her veins. Then injected something small nano bots into her system to fix up the damages. Then I know about work their way through her blood system repairing all damages to her heart, skeletal system and muscles. The downside is, she would've lost half of her strength, assuming she was going to wake up

Amber: okay now, what?

Alexander pushed up some switches on a nearby piece of equipment as the body of Warman was enclosed in a metal container: it is now time for the moment of truth... Whether or not, we can bring her back you may want to cover your eyes for this, it's going to get bright

She did. She was told, and covered her eyes as Alexander pulled down some goggles, ready for the next step, pressed a big red button, and suddenly electricity burst from the roof and hit the metal container. It wasn't long before electricity Bersted from the floor, hitting the metal container almost as if it was drawn to it over 10 million trillion volts we're going through war woman's body or at least trying to the medical container exhaust, most of the electricity and shocked it in key areas needed for the resurrection

After five minutes of intense electricity, it finally stopped after a beeping sound filled the room. The heart monitor had picked up a heartbeat. Alexander flicked down the switches and allowed the metal container to disband putting warm warm back on the floor. Amber looked at Alexander, wondering why the superhero wasn't up yet?

Alexander wondered that, too, as he got closer to woman, carefully opened her eyes only for her to grab him by the neck screaming: omni man!!!

Alexander remaining calm, pushed gently warm away: madam, please calm down, you're having a side effect thro-

War woman roar as she charged towards Alexander, Amber gasped. She never seen the superhero so angry. Then again it was to be expected. She was remembering just being murdered. Alexander thought quickly and hit her on the back of the neck, knocking her out.

Amber looked at the fallen superhero: is that usual in this kind of situation?

Alexander shrugged: I have no idea The last time I used this machine, it didn't go as well as I'd hoped. Although the people that gave it to me did say there would be side-effects she's going to have lost half her strength and he's going to have to get that back. I think after she calms down, we should be able to talk to her.

War woman's point of view a little while later

My head is so fuzzy, I feel as if I've been electrocuted when I finally open my eyes I find myself on a hospital bed, but I'm not in a hospital at least not when I recognised the memories of what happened flowback through me. Omni man, the bastard he betrayed us!

I tried to get out of the bed, but I can't move. My body feels weaker what has happened to me the last thing I remember was... I died! Is this the afterlife? No, it can't be what happened the memories of what happened. I think only a few hours ago hit me. I was in a room with another man and there was another watching what did they do to me?

A voice of a male comes into the room: I see you're awake, welcome back to the land of the living

I turn around to see a rather handsome young man, wearing the same kind of clothes, omni man was wearing when he first came here I feel my anger overcoming me as I try to sit up, ready to attack this person, but I don't have the strength: save your strength, the resurrection took a lot out of you you're going to have to build up your strength again

Resurrection, so I was dead, and he brought me back to life: who are you?

The young man bow as a response: oh, where are my manners? I am Alexander, but please call me Alex. I am responsible for your resurrection.

He did resurrect me why what does he intend to do with me?: What exactly do you intend to do with me now that you have resurrected me? Do you plan on resurrecting the other guardians of the globe?

Alex shook his head: unfortunately I can't you were the only one that was in one piece relatively the others were too badly damaged. You were the only one I could resurrect I mean, I possibly could've tried with immortal, but his head was decapitated and the technology that are use requires that the nerves are mostly intact, not separated I'd rather not disturb a grave without knowing for absolutely certain that I can bring them back

A Noble statement I suppose still it's sad that I won't not be able to bring back my allies: I understand so why did you resurrect me from what I can see already you must be the same kind of species as Omni man, yet you help me after one of your own killed me and my friends

Alex: yes, and I apologise for that, it appears that Omni man has told you nothing but lies for the past 20 years, so allow me to tell you the truth of my people, but let it be known now that I am not one of them, at least not in the way that they would raise me

He Proceeds to explain the true history of Omni man, people and I cannot believe I have been fooled for so long he claimed to be saviour, and I never questioned that his society is nothing more than a bunch of conquerors. How can I have been so blind I must rectify this mistake by killing him.

Alex: now, I know you want revenge, I do too, believe me. Omni man took people that were close to me to a long time ago, but you don't have the strength to fight him at the moment you couldn't even beat him when you were up to full power. You won't stand a chance against him now what I recommend is that you rest and regain your strength.

That makes strategic sense, but what does he get out of this?: You said that you want revenge on Omni man too is that why you resurrected me, the classic the enemy of my enemy is my friend

Alex nods: yes, I suppose it is because of that but also because my friends that have lived on Earth have told me about you and the rest of the guardians. I wish I could've resurrected them all so they could be given a second chance but I cannot. Once Omni man is taken down, this world is going to need heroes like you, because once we do take him down, the Empire will come and they'll see earth as a threat and they will show no mercy. And I cannot fight them alone This isn't just about getting revenge. It's about protecting earth I lost one home to the Empire. I will not lose another.

I'm not completely sure if I can trust this Alexander, but right now, I don't have much of a choice. My body is weak and I need time to recover and if he says is true about this empire, then we will need all the help we can get: very well, you can consider me a part of your plan, but let it be known right now. I do not trust you.

Alex seem to be okay with that: that's quite alright, it's understandable considering but I do hope that one day perhaps maybe we can (his phone rings) excuse me I have to take this

He gets up and walks over to a corner of the room and answer the phone: hi Eve you'll be happy to know the resurrection was a succe- wait why are you crying?... Eve what's the matter?.... Rex did what?!

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