Alex enemies 

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Hey guys, I couldn't update this week because I was insanely busy. I'll try to upload something for this fanfiction tomorrow. However I want to give you guys some context

Some readers have been asking me what exactly is the hard to destroy reptile well as the name says it's hard to destroy and the only thing it want to do is kill. Kill kill

You can actually look it up on YouTube, it's an SCP It's where I originally got the idea for some of the enemies of Alex, because he's lived 1600 years ago, he's rubbed a couple of people the wrong way

Anyway, here's a picture, and I do not own it

Anyway, here's a picture, and I do not own it

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It's the best picture I could find

Anyway, don't worry, you'll be making an appearance soon in season two, also about Dr wonder attainment. That's also an SCP that you can find on YouTube. Unfortunately there's no real clear image of his appearance so just imagine him as a man in a rainbow tailored suit with a top hat and a cane.

What makes this doctor so dangerous is the fact that he can create well... Very dangerous things, though, they're not intended to be dangerous in some cases like the super can cure any illness, but if you reheat it in the microwave, it turns you into a chicken... I'm not joking

Or his other invention, where he created tiny little pets for children that can adapt to any environment, only for some of them to turn out very deadly

See the funny thing about Dr wonder is, he's not evil he's not intending to hurt anyone he just doesn't understand that sometimes his inventions are too great and cannot be used. That's why Alex had to stop him. He didn't understand the concept of safety.

There is obviously the Daleks and cyber men, their enemies of Alex to along with the entire empire, he's about to make a massive enemy out of them. But he's also trying to save them because if they take over earth and try to take over any other planet before that they will not survive. That's what I'm trying to make in the story. Alex isn't trying to defeat his kind because he's angry with them. He is but he's also trying to do it for their own safety right now the Empire thinks they're at the top of a pedestal, they don't Think that there be a species greater or more dangerous than them

So, in a way, Alex is both trying to defeat the empire while also saving it from itself

Anyway, moving on to some more enemies, there are two of his enemies. I'm going to keep a secret for now because I want that to be a grand reveal. All I can say is that one knows Alex better than he knows himself and the other... Well, he wants to play a game

There is another enemy that I think you guys are going to like she and Alex have quite a history, and not a good one, she's one of the few creatures that Alex come across that is actually managed to wound him in more ways than one. She is a sadistic as they come and she is...

 She is a sadistic as they come and she is

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(I do not own this picture)


White, I felt like Alex is villains, need a female touch, and who better than the sadistic hands of arachnid

I know that there are many villains in Leeds invincible universe that could also be considered a threat, but honestly other than Dr seismic and Angstrom and everyone from the Empire. I don't really see them as an actual threat to Alex and he took down Omni man and invincible I really don't see what else on earth could possibly could be considered a threat to Alex

But hey, I could be wrong let me know in the comments

Anyway, that's it for this not to chapter I hope you've enjoyed. Also, I am planning to make additions to the harem although some of them will be add-ons from other shows so if you guys have any suggestions let me know in the comments. Also if you have any suggestions for any females in the invincible universe please let me know and don't say Anissa

I wanna make this perfectly clear she is not going to be in The  harem partly because I have other plans for her, that would involve her not being romantically interested in Alex or... Forcefully

So leave suggestions in the comments, but in no way, recommend Anissa okay we are clear on that?

Good one of the question how do you feel about before Alex and his girlfriends get back to their own reality they take a detour to another dimension one where the super heroes aren't so super... And yes, I'm talking about the boys what I've been thinking about doing a fanfiction of the boys and I think this might be good practice let me know in the comments

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