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Dionne carefully flipped the omelet, its surface smooth and flawless as it cooked in the frying pan. "You know, if you applied to my restaurant, I'd hire you," Marcus said with a smile, seated at the kitchen island, his plate ready. "Nope, I don't think I could survive in your kitchen. I'm a bit of a clutz. I'd end up being a liability," Dionne replied. Once the omelet was ready, she transferred it onto Marcus's plate. "Here it comes, careful it's hot. Besides, your chefs at the restaurant would get mad at me; I might end up burning down the kitchen." She neatly placed it on the plate and wiped off any spilled oil with a tissue.

"You're hotter than this," Marcus teased, pointing at the steaming omelet on the plate. Dionne just smirked at the compliment. "Yeah...yeah. Don't flatter me. I like cooking this for you."

"Thanks for cooking, my favorite," Marcus said with a smile, turning his attention to the door as it opened. "Good morning, Charlotte! Did you sleep well?" he greeted cheerfully.

"Good morning, Charlotte," Dionne said warmly, her lips curving slightly while preparing another omelet.

Charlotte paused upon noticing that Marcus wasn't alone in the kitchen. "Oh? Hi? You two, why are you up this early?"

"It's six thirty a.m. Dionne invited me to go jogging. Now, she's making me an omelet," Marcus explained while eating.

Charlotte moved next to Marcus and kissed his cheek, affectionately pinching the other. "Morning," she greeted tersely. Marcus didn't notice Dionne wasn't welcomed, too preoccupied with his breakfast.

"Where's Clarissa?" Charlotte went to the coffee maker to brew some espresso. "She's in the garden. We didn't ask her to cook since it's still early," Marcus replied.

Charlotte avoided engaging Dionne while talking to her brother. Fine by me, Dionne thought, having noticed Charlotte's avoidance earlier. She couldn't help but observe Charlotte as she continued to cook omelets. Charlotte was dressed in full riding gear, her tight-fit black jodhpurs bringing out the curves of her legs, complemented by a green jacket over a white long-sleeved shirt. If the villa weren't in the Philippines, Dionne might have thought she was in Europe, given how well Charlotte's outfit suited her. "What's her skin secret?" Dionne mused in her mind, noting Charlotte's flawless complexion, devoid of makeup yet still stunning. Charlotte's long hair was tied in a ponytail, its color turning a radiant dark blonde in the sunlight streaming through the glass window, contrasting beautifully with her skin.

"Are the gifts for the kids ready? I can buy more if you want. I'll also take Dionne to town," Marcus said, glancing at his sister.

"It's already set. I want you to be there. I need you on my team. Clarissa has thought of many games," Charlotte leaned on the kitchen counter, comfortably sipping espresso from a black mug.

After finishing the cooking, Dionne removed her apron. She was wearing a sports bra with a grey fitted tank top over it and black yoga pants. Her attention was on placing the omelet on the plate, bending over slightly, which inadvertently showcased her cleavage, briefly diverting Marcus's attention away from his sister to Dionne, followed by Charlotte's gaze. Dionne folded the apron and placed it away from the counter, revealing her full figure hidden by the counter. She tied her hair in a messy bun, the sunlight highlighting her neck and reddening her ears. Strands of hair trailed down her smooth neck, and the sun's rays emphasized every curve of Dionne's body from shoulder to foot, enhancing her allure.

"Mind if I join you?" Dionne asked, placing the freshly cooked omelet on the counter next to an empty seat by Marcus. "Sure," he replied.

"Uhm...so...are you planning to ride today?" Marcus shifted the conversation.

English Version: Dandelions in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now