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Exhausted, Dionne set down a plastic bag on the kitchen island as soon as she entered her home. She coughed again, a raspy sound that seemed to echo in the empty kitchen, and then took a long gulp from her bottled water. She glanced down at her wristwatch; it was only one in the afternoon, unusually early for her to be back from work. She retrieved her cell phone from her purse and decided to call Tracy.

"Hey Tracy, sorry for calling; I know you're in the middle of meetings today," Dionne began, her voice slightly hoarse.

"No worries, Dionne! My meeting just wrapped up. What's up?" Tracy replied, her tone light and concerned.

Moving towards her bedroom, Dionne laid out her home attire on the bed: loose cotton pants, a white tank top, and a blue hooded sweatshirt. She arranged them neatly on the duvet. "I'm not feeling well this morning, and now I'm running a fever. I don't think I can make it to the office tomorrow," she said, putting the phone on speaker mode and placing it on the bedstand as she started changing her work dress. "I don't have a headache, but this cough and cold are unbearable. I picked up some cough syrup and an energy drink. I'll rest, and hopefully, I'll be back at work soon," she explained while slipping into her comfortable clothes.

"Oh no, that sounds terrible. Stay home and get some rest. I'll come by later, okay? Do you need me to bring you anything? Maybe some food or more medicine?" Tracy offered, her voice filled with genuine concern as she listened to Dionne's persistent coughing over the phone.

Dionne sat on the edge of the bed, feeling exhaustion in every bone. She wiped her nose with a tissue, her breathing labored. "It's okay. You don't have to come here; you might catch it, too. I have everything I need," she said, trying to dissuade Tracy.

"Don't worry. I'll swing by," Tracy insisted firmly.

Dionne coughed again, a harsh sound that rattled in her chest, and sniffled into the tissue she clutched. "Okay, if you insist," she agreed reluctantly, not wanting to worry her friend further. "Just come in; I may be unable to open the door. I'll probably end up sleeping all day. You know the security codes, right?" Dionne reminded her, her voice weak.

"Yes, I know it," Tracy said easily, having visited Dionne's house frequently. "Do you need me to handle anything specific while you're out?" she added, ready to help.

Dionne's vision blurred as tears formed in her eyes with each sneeze. She lay down on the bed, feeling the weight of her illness. "Thanks, Tracy. Could you please take care of the client meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning? Also, could you check my emails and flag any urgent ones?" she asked hoarsely between continuous coughs.

"I'll handle the meeting and monitor your emails. I hope you feel better soon, Dionne. Anything else you need?" Tracy's voice was full of concern.

Deciding to get up, Dionne went to the bathroom with unsteady steps. She opened the medicine cabinet, retrieved the thermometer, and checked her temperature, confirming her fever. "That should cover it for now. I'll keep my phone nearby in case anything comes up or you need to reach me," Dionne said, her voice strained as she coughed again.

"Got it. Take care, Dionne. Get some rest and don't worry about work. We've got it covered here," Tracy reassured her, ending the call and leaving Dionne to focus on her recovery.

"Thirty-eight point six degrees Celsius," Dionne whispered as the thermometer beeped, showing the elevated temperature. She carefully placed it back into its case, turned on the faucet, and washed her face, ensuring all traces of makeup were removed. She patted her face dry with a fluffy towel, untied her hair, and combed through the tangled strands. Looking at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, she grimaced in frustration. "Damn it! I look terrible," she muttered under her breath. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her nose was chafed and raw from constant wiping due to her cold. Dionne heaved a sigh and headed to the kitchen to organize the items she had bought.

English Version: Dandelions in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now