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"Are you sure? Family gatherings are inherently intimate. I'm unsure if my presence would be appropriate," Dionne hesitated as she cradled the phone to her ear, standing in her office framed by towering glass windows.

"I'm extending this invitation as a personal favor, Dionne. It's only for a couple of days. You'd be there solely as my companion. It's an opportunity to meet my mom and sister, our yearly tradition. I'm simply trying to deter my mom from her relentless matchmaking attempts," Marcus implored from the other end of the line.

At that moment, Dionne's assistant made a discreet entrance, clutching a sleek black folder. She wore a tailored white long-sleeved shirt beneath a classic black blazer paired with matching slacks. Her blazer was accented with a small, conspicuous metal nametag engraved with 'Tracy Arnaiz, Executive Assistant.'

Catching a glimpse of the door, Dionne gestured towards the folder. "Is that the portfolio for our upcoming event?" she inquired. "Hold on, Marcus. This requires my attention." She walked towards her assistant, the soft clicks of her red high heels resonating against the polished marble floor. Her office was covered in natural light with a diverse collection of art reproductions by Frida Kahlo, Rembrandt, and Salvador Dali, each piece thoughtfully positioned against the white walls. "This will be brief. I'm putting you on the speaker; ensure your comments remain flattering in Tracy's presence," Dionne remarked with a playful grin, setting her cell phone on the desk. Adjacent, a silver plaque proudly bore the inscription Dionne Lucas, Executive Director, Favell Metropolitan Museum.

"He can be a jerk at times," Dionne disclosed to her assistant, followed by a wink. "Hey, I heard that!" Marcus laughed at the speaker; it sounded infectious and light-hearted. Tracy's cheeks flushed a subtle shade of pink as her eyes briefly met Dionne's before modestly shifting her focus to the portfolio. "Yes, I've finalized the lists, Miss Lucas—I mean, Dionne," she corrected herself, a slight stutter betraying her attempt to adhere to their workplace's informal, first-name basis policy.

Dionne took her seat in a leather swivel chair, the smooth fabric of her dress enclosing her form. She was wearing a chic, gray sleeveless dress that gracefully outlined her body with a string of pearls that added an element of sophistication. The style was carefully chosen, the necklace underlining a modest display of cleavage in a striking and tastefully restrained manner. Tracy diverted her attention to the smooth curve of Dionne's arms to maintain professionalism.

"Is everything ready for the event?" Dionne asked, flipping through the pages of the portfolio. "I need you to visit our featured artist, Gwynett Sy. She debuted in New York, creating sculptures from papier-mâché and other materials. It was quite a hit in the contemporary art scene. She'll represent our event and wants to recreate her work on-site. I've mentioned there's a vacant studio here in the museum. Please ensure all materials entering are listed in the contracts," Dionne instructed seriously. After reviewing the documents laid out before her, she signed each one. "Just make sure to give Miss Sy the identification cards. Oh, and make it two; give her a visitor pass, too?" She glanced briefly at Tracy before focusing back on the papers. "She'll need some assistance with her studio. Time is unlimited; she can work as she pleases as long as she completes the project. I want to ensure we won't have issues with the security staff, especially those on the night shift."

After signing the documents, Dionne looked toward Tracy, who stood near the desk. "Did you get that?" she asked, her brow furrowing when she received no response, as Tracy was still looking down.

"Are you okay? Tracy?"

"Huh? Oh, yes-yes, I've already arranged the security details for Miss Gwynett Sy," Tracy stammered. Dionne approached, leaning in slightly due to her height. "You look pale. You can go home early if you'd like. You should get some rest."

English Version: Dandelions in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now