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Dionne gently traced her fingers over each book on the shelf, carefully scanning the titles before deciding to ascend the rounded staircase to the second floor of the grand library. Sunlight poured through the broad glass windows, radiating warm beams across the room where a large green leather sofa ornamented the centerpiece. The decor was harmoniously completed with large abstract paintings that adorned the walls. Nearby, a wooden table held an elegant French lamp that exuded a subtle, sophisticated glow.

Each shelf was organized, prominently displaying hardbound books on law, medicine, and philosophy. On the opposite shelf, romance novels, historical tales, and classic literature were displayed. Dionne handled the books; the scent of aged paper wafted up to her, a smell she found not unpleasant but rather comfortably familiar. Despite the library's infrequent use within the mansion, it was maintained, free of dust, and always clean. The air conditioner, infused with a hint of lavender and activated by motion sensors, ensured the room remained cool, a welcomed relief for Dionne as she continued her search without a hint of discomfort.

In the corner of the bookcase, Dionne spotted a large yellow book. She gently extracted it from its position, revealing it as a photo album. Whispering to herself, she read the golden script on the cover: "Margaret Del Pierro and Miguel Ronan Wedding." Turning to the second page, she found an old photograph. Radiant in her wedding gown, Margaret smiled joyously, her beauty strikingly resembling Charlotte's. The differences lay in Charlotte's taller stature, vivid eye color, and dimples. Next to Margaret stood a tall man, his face a blend of caucasian features under a brown skin tone. Marcus looked remarkably like his father. The couple posed before a grand church framed by majestic pine trees. Despite the photo's age and faded colors, the beauty of the surrounding lake, vibrant flowers, and manicured grass outside the grand church were apparent. A caption at the bottom of the photo read: "Birmingham, England."

"So there's nothing on the internet?" A familiar voice entered the library, followed by the soft sound of the door closing and gentle footsteps. "I can't believe they didn't update their website. It's so inconvenient. So now, I have to revise it." Charlotte sighed. "Can you find something about this law and the Clifford code?" She switched her cell phone to her left ear and sat on the sofa.

Dionne quickly returned the photo album to its original place, walked over to the staircase railing, and watched Charlotte from above. Despite wearing casual home clothes, Charlotte's outfit gave the impression of being in an office. She wore a simple white long-sleeve shirt with a V-neck collar, black slacks, and high-pointed leather shoes. Her hair was down, and she looked tired, frequently touching her forehead. "Call me if you find something. I need to read the physical copy. I might have it here somewhere. I think I've read it before. I'll look around. But I need it. You understand, right? Okay... call me later. Thanks." Charlotte ended the call and leaned back on the sofa.

Dionne cleared her throat while holding the railing. "Need help?"

Charlotte turned around. "Oh, hi. What are you doing here?" she asked with a smile.

"Just looking for something to read." Dionne shrugged and began descending the stairs.

"Isn't an ebook your thing?"

Dionne laughed at Charlotte's remark and sat down on the sofa. "Too much distraction. I don't think I can finish a book with notifications popping on my screen." Dionne brushed the ring on her index finger. "So, maybe I can help you? If you're looking for something?" Sunlight brightened Dionne's face as she turned, highlighting her olive skin. Her light brown complexion became more radiant in the sunlight. Her collarbone and a small mole on her neck were visible from her off-shoulder blouse.

"Uhm... sure, why not." Charlotte stood up and walked to the large bookshelf near the window. She drew back the red curtain, letting sunlight flood the shelf. "This is where my law books are." Charlotte showed Dionne the books and then picked up a thick brown book, only to put it back immediately.

English Version: Dandelions in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now