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"Is she not coming for breakfast?" Dionne asked, her eyebrows knitting in confusion as she spread a layer of strawberry jam over her slice of bread. Clarissa moved gracefully towards her, the steam from the hot coffee she poured forming a delicate dance in the air. "Thank you," Dionne expressed with a warm smile, her gratitude lighting up her features. Clarissa responded with a slight nod before filling Margaret's cup with the aromatic brew.

"She's caught a cold," Marcus said, breaking the silence. He added cream to his coffee. After a brief taste, he seemed to ponder for a moment, then added a touch more cream, stirring it with a small spoon. The clink of metal against porcelain highlighted the quiet morning air.

Dionne paused, her actions halting as she placed her bread down gently. She picked up a napkin, wiping her fingers thoughtfully. "But it didn't rain last night, and the weather has been quite warm. Didn't you tell me she's particularly susceptible to colds when caught in the rain?" she inquired, her voice laced with concern and a hint of curiosity.

Marcus nodded, now spreading a generous layer of corned beef onto his bread, the savory scent combining with the fresh morning air. "There were a lot of people at the gathering last night; she might have caught the cold from someone there," he speculated.

"How bad is it?" Margaret inquired, her elegance undiminished as she sipped her coffee, the steam lightly caressing her face. She delicately wiped her lips with a napkin, her poise impeccable.

"Her eyes are slightly red but thankfully not swollen. She's been sniffing a lot while talking. She went to my room early this morning to inform me she'd stay in the cabin. It seems she didn't get much sleep at all," Marcus detailed, his tone reflecting a blend of concern and observation, providing a clearer picture of the situation.

"Poor Charlotte. She must be feeling terrible; she has a bad cold," Margaret said, her voice laced with genuine concern as she shook her head slowly. The morning light filtering through the windows cast a soft glow on her face, highlighting the empathy in her eyes. "Clarissa, did you manage to send her breakfast this morning?" She turned her gaze towards the housekeeper, who stood by the side, her silhouette framed by the morning sun.

Clarissa shook her head. "She didn't want to be disturbed. I left some food at her door instead. She mentioned wanting to rest uninterrupted."

"If that's what she prefers, we should honor her wishes," Margaret answered.

Dionne quietly sipped her coffee, her brows furrowed with concern. She wondered why Charlotte felt the need to isolate herself in the cabin, especially given the vastness of the mansion, which surely could accommodate a simple cold without risk of contagion. Yet, as the thought crossed her mind, Dionne entertained the possibility of another reason for Charlotte's absence. The idea that Charlotte deliberately avoided her again sent a discomfort through her heart, dulling her appetite as she focused on her coffee.

"Did you tell her?" Dionne's voice was soft, barely hiding the underlying sadness as she addressed Marcus.

Marcus, who had just poured himself some water, nodded affirmatively. "Yes, I told her last night after receiving your text. She inquired this morning about your departure time. She's sending her regards and apologizes for not being able to see you off," he relayed casually, oblivious to the shadow of disappointment that crossed Dionne's face. The news seemed to weigh heavily on her, eliciting a deep sigh of resignation. "That's unfortunate. I hope she gets better soon," she remarked, her voice tinged with sadness.

"You're always welcome to visit this villa, Dionne. It's quite unfortunate that your vacation had to be cut short," Margaret said, reaching out to gently hold Dionne's hand, her touch warm and comforting. "You're always welcome here," she added, her voice soft and inviting, like a warm embrace.

English Version: Dandelions in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now