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"This is the mango farm; we produce a lot of fruits here in San Mateo. Big companies also get their supplies from here, buying them at a low price before exporting," Charlotte explained while riding her horse through the vast mango plantation. She rode a Thoroughbred horse, a breed known for its speed and elegance in racing. The horse, named Barney, though a bit temperamental, bore no resemblance to the friendly behavior of the famous Barney.

"Are there other fruits too?" Dionne inquired, following Charlotte on her horse. The sun's rays made Strawberry's chestnut coat glisten.

"Yes, we have a variety of other fruits, like bananas, pineapples, and watermelons. But those are primarily for personal consumption. Mangoes are our main crop," Charlotte responded as their horses strolled among the mango trees.

The plantation resembled a vast soccer field lined with mango trees, currently fruitless, awaiting the right season. The breeze was refreshing, and the sunlight bright. Small hills and wooded areas surrounded the fields. Charlotte waved at some workers, some navigating the plantation in golf carts. They waved back with smiles. "Some of them were my classmates in grade school," she shared.

"Do you hang out with them?"

"Yes. We've known each other since we were kids."

"Was being a lawyer your first choice? You know, as a career?" Dionne asked.

Charlotte shook her head. "I wanted to be a Veterinarian. Some kids have a dog, a cat, or other pets. My first pet was a pony named Mallows; he was so fluffy and cute." She sighed and brushed her hair aside. "But it wasn't really for me. I think I'm very good at organizing things and like everything running smoothly. What about you? Do you really like art?"

Strawberry matched Barney's pace. The black horse glanced at its companion and snorted as if in a silent standoff. Strawberry responded with a neigh that sounded almost like laughter. "When I was young, I wasn't interested in painting or arts. But once, my dad took me to a museum, and I saw a painting by Monet. That's when I fell in love with art. Even though I'm not an artist, I enjoy learning about the art world," Dionne answered, gently pulling Strawberry's reins to maintain some distance from Barney. "What's up with these two? Are they having a silent argument or something?" Dionne adjusted the reins again as Strawberry kept a respectful distance from Barney.

Charlotte laughed. "Barney has a temper. She can be quite headstrong. It's a good day when she's in a pleasant mood."

"For a famous, lovable dinosaur named Barney, she's quite the opposite. Why did you name her Barney?"

"One of the kids from the orphanage started calling her that. She responds to 'Barney' and ignores any other name. It just stuck," Charlotte explained with affection.

"And Strawberry?" Dionne prodded, intrigued by the playful naming pattern.

Charlotte laughed, her dimples deepening with the memory. "He managed to eat all the strawberries in the garden one day. The name was inevitable after that."

"Was art always your first choice? Did you ever consider changing paths?" Charlotte inquired.

Dionne shook her head. "My family never took my interest in art seriously. They saw me as someone who would follow my cousin's footsteps, roaming the country, living a carefree life." She laughed, brushing her hair away as the wind picked up. "My cousin was the family rebel, with his band and all. They probably thought I'd be too distracted to focus on anything serious. But, you know, we all grow up. Our interests evolve, and so do our priorities."

"Did your cousin continue with his music?"

"No, he took a more practical route, ended up in business school, and now he's running his venture."

English Version: Dandelions in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now