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"Are you sure those horses won't run away?" Dionne asked as they walked together towards a field surrounded by dandelions.

Charlotte glanced back and saw the two black and white horses grazing on the grass near a Jacaranda tree. She held Dionne's hand as they reached the field. "They won't leave; they're too happy eating some grass," Charlotte smiled.

Dionne sat on the grass and removed her helmet, followed by her black gloves. Charlotte also sat beside her, doing the same. The breeze was gentle, and the sky was overcast. As the sun set, it bathed the field in a golden light.

Charlotte and Dionne lay side by side in the grass, allowing the dandelion petals to stick to their clothes as they gazed at the clouds. The clouds looked like cotton, tinted with orange and red by the sun's brilliance.

"Remember our first year of marriage? You trying to cook that romantic dinner and setting the kitchen on fire?" Dionne reminisced with a smile, gazing up at the sky.

A soft groan escaped Charlotte. "Oh, don't remind me. I thought I could impress you with my culinary skills. Instead, I almost burned down the house... again."

"Honestly, I was more worried about the fire department recognizing us. 'Oh look, the newlyweds are at it again!'" Dionne laughed.

Charlotte covered her mouth with her hand, giggling. "Hey, I was aiming for a hot date night. Didn't realize it would be that literal."

"Well, you know how to heat things up. Just not in the kitchen."

"To be fair, the recipe said 'sear on high heat.' It didn't specify 'not to the point of arson,'" Charlotte retorted.

"And you managed to turn a simple pasta dish into a four-alarm fire. Quite the talent," Dionne teased, unable to stop giggling at the memory. She was almost in tears from laughing.

"At least we know now: I provide the love, you provide the food. It's a perfect balance," Charlotte said affectionately, gently patting Dionne on the shoulder. "Well, next time, I'll stick to making reservations instead of recipes. Deal?"

"Deal. But I'll miss the adrenaline rush of wondering if we need to call the fire department during dinner," Dionne responded, squeezing Charlotte's hand lightly and chuckling softly. "We ended up eating takeout on the floor, surrounded by fire extinguisher foam. So romantic," Dionne's cheeks turned a shade pinker as she stifled a laugh.

Charlotte squeezed Dionne's hand reassuringly. "Hey, at least the takeout was good. And we had a memorable first dinner as a married couple, foam and all."

"Memorable? That's one way to put it. I thought I married a lawyer; it turns out I married a pyromaniac," Dionne teased with a playful smirk.

Charlotte feigned being hurt and gently tapped Dionne's shoulder. "Excuse me, I've improved since then! Remember my spaghetti carbonara last month? No fires involved," she reminded her with a proud nod.

"True, but you did forget the garlic bread in the oven. We had carbonara with a side of charcoal," Dionne retorted with a raised eyebrow.

Charlotte rolled her eyes dramatically. "Details, details. At least I try. Unlike someone who claims to be a 'culinary critic' but can't even make toast without burning it."

Dionne turned to face her, their eyes locking with humor and affection. "How dare you! I make excellent toast. It's a skill, you know," Dionne defended with feigned indignation.

Charlotte just rolled her eyes playfully. "Sure it is. But seriously, those early days were the best despite the kitchen disasters. We were so clueless and in love."

English Version: Dandelions in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now