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Dionne opened her eyes and glanced at her watch-it was only one in the morning. She noticed an arm wrapped around her and a leg draped over her. "You're very possessive," she whispered amusedly to her companion. Charlotte was sound asleep, using Dionne's body as a pillow. Dionne pondered how she usually disliked sharing her bed, yet for some reason, she enjoyed sleeping beside someone. Charlotte was the only one she had ever felt comfortable with in this way. Gently, she removed Charlotte's arm and leg. She also grabbed a piece of clothing from the foot of the bed. Dionne then went to the bathroom to freshen up. She was wearing a white oversized t-shirt that barely reached her thighs when she came out of the bathroom. Charlotte was still sleeping soundly.

Dionne sat on the bed and watched her sleep for a moment. Her brow furrowed when she noticed several kiss marks on Charlotte's thigh. "Oh, shit!" she whispered to herself, embarrassed. Dionne could not recall ever being aggressive in sex. She was the type who often had to give directions to find her pleasure, but with Charlotte, it took less than five minutes to make her eyes roll back without any instruction. Dionne smiled at the thought. She took the blanket and covered Charlotte's naked body.

Deciding to go to the kitchen for some tea, Dionne made herself a cup. After finishing, she checked her phone, reading a few messages, including a text from Marcus: "Can't wait to see you," sent five hours ago. Dionne replied with a smiley emoji.

"Do I have to check myself for a breast ultrasound?" she mused, looking inside her t-shirt and laughing at herself. It seemed her nipples were swollen from Charlotte's eagerness. Dionne wondered if it was normal for two women to go on for more than four hours. After searching online and finding no acceptable answers, she thought, "I look like a fool," amused at herself, and put down the phone. "Just intense sex, that's it."

Dionne settled into the living room, the soft hum of the television filling the quiet space. She deliberately left the lights off, allowing the ambient glow from the kitchen to illuminate her surroundings. The television screen, logged into Charlotte's account, cast flickering lights and shadows across the room, revealing a carefully curated selection of shows that hinted at Charlotte's tastes: "Carol, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Killing Eve, and Saving Face." The array of sapphic content intrigued Dionne, erasing any remnants of sleepiness. "All sapphic shows? Hmm...interesting," she murmured to herself, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Dionne chose to watch a show and started with episode one. She was so entertained that she reached episode two, laughing at the protagonist's antics and feeling giddy over Kate and Lucy's moments. She didn't notice Charlotte stepping out of the room, wearing an oversized white t-shirt. Charlotte stood by the door, watching Dionne intently with a soft smile playing on her lips.

Charlotte approached the sofa. "I see you're beginning to become a fan of Kate and Lucy," she said with a smile as she sat beside Dionne, tucking her legs underneath her.

Dionne immediately turned to her. "Did I wake you up? I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep and didn't mean to look into your viewing history."

"It's fine. I can see that you already like them," Charlotte replied, leaning back on the sofa and joining her in watching the show. She reached over and pulled a blanket over their legs.

"Lucy is so cute," Dionne agreed, glancing at Charlotte. "Have you watched it?"

"I think I watched up to episode five? I haven't finished it yet. I'm too busy. And I don't want to get too attached; I'm still on the fence," Charlotte answered, her dimples deepening as she smiled.

Dionne frowned, her brow furrowing. "Still on the fence? Should I stop watching? Will it give me a heartbreak?" She leaned back on the sofa and sighed deeply. "I hate tragedy."

English Version: Dandelions in the WindWhere stories live. Discover now