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"Time to get up! You're not gonna sleep the day away!" Darry pounded his fist loudly against my bedroom door. 

He does this every day if I try to sleep in past 7:30. 

Our parents used to do it too, when they were alive. 

When they died tragically in a car accident a while back, Darry was granted custody of me, and my other two brothers, Sodapop and Ponyboy. 

Me being 17, I thought I would have more say in what I get to do.

But no, Darry is in charge and he makes that very clear. 

I don't really ever have a say in anything. 

Well, I don't say much to begin with. 

I don't really talk to anyone besides my brother's, unless I'm spoken to. 

And even then, I try to keep my responses short, or I give a simple nod. 

Though Twobit once in a while will get a laugh out of me. 

It always makes his day when he does. 

"I said, it's time to get up!" Darry pounded on my door again.  

I let out a groan, as I got out of bed. 

I barely got any sleep. 

Once everyone went to bed last night, I hopped out my window and went to a party.  

I don't think I got home till after 4 am. 

Don't let my quiet, innocent demeanor fool you.  

If there's one thing about me, I love to party.

I love to sneak out and get drunk, I love to go to rodeos

It only works out because I haven't gotten caught.  

If I did, Darry would kick my head in. 

I walked over to my bedroom door, and opened it. 

Darry stood there with a smile on his face.  

"Morning sunshine!" He greeted me. 

I shot him a glare. 

"Go eat breakfast while it's still hot." Darry told me. 

I walked past him into the kitchen. 

As I sat down with my plate, I noticed Dallas Winston sleeping on the couch. 

Darry always leaves the front door unlocked, incase one of the gang needs a place to sleep. 

Usually it's Johnny, though. 

His parents are always beating up on him and fighting.  

He stays quiet like me.  

Now, Dallas Winston was a real character. 

He moved here from New York a few years back, and he has a criminal record about a mile long. 

Though he had a bad reputation, he was always decent to me.  

Well, you can't really pick a fight with someone who doesn't say too much. 

He was real good friends with Johnny though, that had to count for something. 

I had never really given much thought about Dallas Winston until now. 

As he laid their on the couch, he began to stir awake. 

Oh my God he was shirtless. 

God damnnn he had a body. 

Muscular, toned. 

Damn, when did he get abs?

When did he get such nice arms?

The way his silver necklace draped over his chest just... ughhhh

I couldn't help, but look for a moment.

As his eyes began to slowly open, I quickly turned my eyes back to my plate.  

How come I've never noticed how good Dallas looked shirtless?

Well, I don't think I've really ever seen him without a shirt either.  

I looked back over, and Dallas was now awake. 

He was sitting on the edge of the couch, as he ran his hands through his hair.  

Quit looking at him, you're gonna make him think you're weird. 

I looked back at my plate.  

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Dallas stand up from the couch and walk over to me.  

Jesus, why was my heart beating so fast? 

"Hey, kid." Dallas told me, as he walked past me and to the fridge. 


Don't call me a fucking kid. 

I'm the same fucking age as you. 

I gave him a small smile in response. 

"Man, I'm hungry." Dallas mumbled. 

I slid my plate over on the table in his direction. 

Dallas looked at it for a moment, before slowly walking over. 

To be honest, I wasn't really that hungry myself. 

Dallas leaned over a bit, and grabbed only a single slice of toast from the plate. 

As he leaned over, his necklace dangled down in front of my face. 

I watched it sway in front of my eyes, as he stood back up. 

"You gotta eat the rest, kid." Dallas almost sneered at me, as the slice of toast dangled from his lips. 

Dallas walked back over to the couch, and dug around for his shirt. 

He put if back on, and slipped his shoes on too. 

He walked out the door without saying a single word. 

Darry now wandered into the kitchen. 

"I'm gonna go wander around today.  Maybe go to the park or something." I mentioned to Darry. 

"All right, don't be out too late." Darry smiled at me. 

That was a total lie, of course. 

In about an hour, I was gonna have Buck Merrill park a few blocks down. 

He was gonna pick me up, and bring me to the rodeo a town over with him. 

But..... I couldn't tell Darry that of course. 

He would totally flip a gasket if he knew I was going to a rodeo. 

He didn't mind Buck though. 

He was a good friend of mine and Dallas's. 

Though Buck is in his 20s, he was a good guy. 

"Thanks." I replied simply. 

I quickly ate the rest of my plate, before I went to my room to get ready. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now