Now, it took over 45 minutes of us trying to convince Ponyboy to come down from the tree, before we eventually had to call Johnny to come get him down. 

If Johnny wouldn't have been able to get him to come down, we would have had to call Darry or the fire department. 

When Darry and Soda came home from work that day, we all sat there quiet. 

It must have been too quiet. 

"What did you guys do?" Darry sighed, as he ran his hands down his face. 

"Nothing." Me and Dallas said at the same time. 

Darrys head snapped in our direction. 

"Oh, now I really know you did something." Darry said, as he put his hands on his hips. 

"She chased me up a tree." Ponyboy quickly said. 

"You WHAT?" Oh boy, Darry was angry.

"I didn't chase him up the tree," I rolled my eyes, "he decided to climb the tree himself."

Darry closed his eyes, and took a long deep breath. 

"Yes she did. She even threw her shoe at me!" Ponyboy argued. 

Oh. My.  Fucking.  God.

"Then, don't annoy the fuck out of me." I turned my head back and told Ponyboy. 

"Hey!" Darry yelled at me, "don't say that word! You know I don't like it!"

He's really gonna yell at me over this?


I'm gonna give him a reason to yell then. 

"What word?" I asked, playing dumb, "the fuck word?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Dallas trying not to laugh. 

He covered his mouth with his hand to try to conceal his smile. 

Oh... that put Darry  over the edge

The anger that Darry had heating up inside him... definitely boiled over the edges now. 

"You're grounded! You're stuck in your room the rest of the night!" Darry was red in the face as he yelled at me. 

His yelling scared me half to death, but I didn't show it. 

I just stood up, pushed past him, and went into my room. 

I slammed the door shut behind me. 

Believe me, I was angry too. 

He always chooses Ponyboy and what he says over me, or what I say. 

Maybe it was because I was older, but if that's the case.... then he should treat me like I am older. 

I paced around my room for a bit, trying to cool off. 

What I really needed was a cigarette. 

I didn't have any in my room, I left them in the living room by the TV. 

That's when I heard,


On my bedroom window. 

I looked through the dusty window, and saw Dallas Winston standing there. 

He smiled, and gave me a little wave with the tips of his finger tips. 

I smiled, as I walked over to the window, and opened it. 

"What?" I asked him. 

Dallas seemed to smile bigger, as he stepped closer, and rested his forearms on the windowsill. 

"Just checking in on my favorite jail bird."

"Ha, ha, ha." I pulled myself down to my knees, so I was eye level with him, you got a cigarette?"

"Yeah, yeah." Dallas dug around in his pockets, looking for his pack. 

Once he finally found it, he pulled a cigarette out for me, but he placed it between his lips. 

He grabbed a match out, striking it on the pendant of his necklace. 

He lit the cigarette, taking a long pull from it, before handing it to me. 

"Thanks, Dal." I nodded, as I put the cigarette between my lips. 

"You have quite the naughty vocabulary, sweetheart." Dallas told me. 

"Oh, yeah... I guess I better go suck on a bar of soap to clean it out." I rolled my eyes, and laughed. 

Dallas seemed surprised for a second, before he let out a little laugh. 

"YOU BETTER NOT BE SMOKING IN YOUR ROOM!" I could hear Darry yelling at me from the kitchen. 

Does he ever quit nagging me?

I turned my head from the window, and yelled back. 



"Jesus Christ." Dallas mumbled. 

I took a long drag from my cigarette. 

Dallas watched closely, as I brought the cigarette too my lips. 

He's eyes bounced between my lips, and my eyes. 

"What?" I asked him, as the cigarette hung from my bottom lip. 

His eyes bounced between my lips and my eyes a few more times. 

He seemed to be growing anxious, as he bit the inside of his cheek. 

"Oh, fuck it!" Dallas mumbled. 

He grabbed the cigarette from my lips, and threw it over his shoulder. 

He put both hands on the side of my face. 

Dallas almost seemed to lunge forward, as he smashed his lips into mine. 




He had caught me completely by surprise. 

I wasn't gonna argue, I of course kissed him back. 

His grip seemed to tighten a bit, as both of our mouths moved together. 

After a few minutes, we both pulled away. 

We both seemed to stare at each other in shock. 

We were both in utter disbelief that we had just kissed each other. 

"Would you like to... um... come in?" I managed to stumble out. 

"Yes." Dallas quickly replied. 

I got up, and stepped back from my window, as Dallas climbed in. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now