I was instantly irritated the next morning, when Darry woke me up at the ass crack of dawn.

Like really?

Does waking me up this early benefit anyone?

As I pulled myself out of bed, I stumbled forward.

Everywhere my eyes looked, it was almost like my vision was lagging.

Was I still fucking drunk?

Jesus, how much did I fucking drink?

I stumbled into the bathroom and peed, before I made my way into the kitchen.

I squinted my eyes.

The sunlight coming in every window of the house, was obnoxiously bright.

"I need you to go to the store today, and pick up more eggs and bread." Darry ordered me.

Can he just shut the hell up for two seconds?

Like why the hell does he insist on talking right after he wakes me up?

And why the hell does he have to be so loud?

"Did you hear me?" Darry spoke again.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure the whole neighborhood did too." I snapped back.

"Keep it up with the attitude, and see where that gets you." Darry scolded me, as he pointed his finger in my face.

He better move that God damn finger, before I grab his hand and bite it off.

"What teenage girl doesn't have attitude? Besides, you woke her up at 7 on a weekend. I would be grumpy too." Soda butted in, defending me, as he ruffled my hair.

God, my head hurt.

I walked over to the coffee pot, and poured myself a cup.

I grabbed a cigarette from the table, and went outside to be unbothered.

Darry and Soda quickly left for work.

I had about two minutes of peace, before Ponyboy made his way outside by me.

"What are we doing today?" He asked me.

"Going to the store." I said, taking a long drag out of my cigarette.

"For what?" He asked me.

"Eggs and bread." I was starting to get irritated now.

I just wanted some peace and quiet.

"What are we doing after that?" Ponyboy asked another question.

"I don't know." I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes.

God, I wish I could slap him.

The whole walk to the store, the whole time in the store, AND the whole walk back... Ponyboy asked question, after question, after question.

"Do you have anyyyyyyy more questions?" I sort of snapped at him, as I put the eggs in the fridge.

Ponyboy stopped and looked at me, before slowly shaking his head 'no'.

Thank God.

I let out a long, satisfied sigh.

"Do you know what time cartoons are on?" Ponyboy smirked, as he asked.

Now, I knew he was doing this for his entertainment.

He was doing this alllll morning, just to annoy the shit out of me.

Now, I was angry.

Ponyboy could see it spread across my face like wild fire.

He took off running out the front door.

I cased after him.

Ponyboy booked it straight to the back yard.

He jumped the fence, and ran to the large tree.

He climbed halfway up it, his arms and legs were wrapped around the trunk tightly, as he sat on top of a branch.

"Ponyboy! Come down, right now!" I yelled up to him.

"No, you're gonna tackle me then!" Ponyboy yelled down to me.

He wasn't wrong though.

As soon as his shoes hit the ground, he was gonna be done for.

I took one of my shoes off, and threw it at him.

Ponyboy watched with fear, as the shoe flew right past his head.

He tightened his grip on the tree.

"You missed!" He yelled down to me.

That little shit head!

"What's all the yelling about?" Dallas asked, as stood by the fence, resting his forearms on top.

He then opened the gate, and walked into the yard.

Dallas looked at my feet, then looked at my face.

"Why you only got one shoe on?" Dallas sort of chuckled.

"She threw it at me!" Ponyboy yelled to Dallas.

Dallas shielded his eyes from the sun with his hand, as he looked up at Ponyboy in the tree.

"The fuck is he doing in the tree?!" Dallas almost gasped.

"She chased me up here! She's gonna kill me if I come down!" Ponyboy hollered back.

He's so over dramatic.

"If you're not coming down, then I'm coming up!" I yelled up at him.

"Not with those noodle arms your not!" Ponyboy laughed.

Oh yeah?!

I ran towards the tree, jumped up, and grabbed onto the nearest branch.

Fear filled every inch of Ponyboy's body, as he realized I wasn't joking.

As I pulled myself up, a pair of hands grabbed me by the waist.

"Oh, no you don't!" Dallas said, as he pulled me off the tree.

I tried to fight my way out of his grip, but Dallas was so much stronger than I was.

He quickly pulled my hands behind my back, and held them at the wrists.

"Pony, come down!" Dallas yelled, waving him down.

I looked back at him, and realized that he was holding both of my wrists.... with only one hand.

Why did I sort of.... like this?!

"Settle down, sweetheart." Dallas leaned in and sort of whispered in my ear.

Ahhhhh, my knees felt weak.

I could have just melted on the spot.

I could felt my heart jump up into my throat

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now