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"What was that about?" Johnny mumbled to me. 

"How would I know? I haven't really talked to him.  I don't know why he would give me his ring." I mumbled back.

Ponyboy's eyes bounced between the two of us, as me and Johnny talked just quiet enough for him not to be able to hear us. 

"Ponyboy, you have homework!" Darry yelled out to us, through the front door. 

"You coming inside, Johnny?" I asked him.

"I'm gonna go for a walk and get some cigarettes.  I'll be back in a while." Johnny gave me a little nod, before walking away. 

Ponyboy and I went inside.

I sat in my room on my bed, with the ring sitting in my hand.

I couldn't stop thinking about Dallas. 

Why did he gave me that ring?

I guess it really caught me by surprise that he got out early. 

He looked good in his brown leather jacket though. 

Knock, knock, knock.

"What?" I called out softly, thinking it was Soda or Darry.

But, to my surprise... it was Ponyboy, who slowly opened my bedroom door, and left himself in.

"Can I ask you something?" Ponyboy came and sat next to me on my bed. 


"Why don't you want to go to the movies?" He asked. 

Oh boyyyyyy

"I don't know." I tried to shrug it off.

Despite Ponyboy being a few years younger than all of us and sometimes acting like a younger brother, he was pretty smart for his age. 

He did skip a grade or two in school, and he was always reading. 

Ponyboy knew something was bothering me. 

"It's cause of Dallas, isn't it?" Ponyboy asked.

"I'm fine, Ponyboy.  I'm just in a mood I guess." I said. 

"Dallas is just.. Dallas.  He's rude and mean to everyone." Ponyboy tried to reassure me, but I swear it made me feel sort of worse. 

"Yeah, but at least he's honest.  If I'm a broad, at least he tells me to my face." I sort of blurted out. 

Ponyboy sort of gave me a weak smile, as he digested what I said. 

I didn't mean to sort of blow up like that. 

"I don't think that you're a broad, neither does Johnny.  I think you should go." Ponyboy spoke, as he nudged me with his elbow. 

"Do that big eyeliner you like to do, and wear that black top." Ponyboy spoke again. 

"Why? Where's that coming from?" I sort of chuckled. 

"Well, he gave you that ring for a reason? He must have been thinking about you or something when he was locked up.  Might as well use it to your advantage." Ponyboy smirked, as he stood up. 

"Wear the ring." His smirked to grow, as he walked out of my room. 

So I did a full face of makeup, and put on my favorite jeans and the cute little black shirt. 

I laid down on my bed, and closed my eyes for a while. 

I must have fallen asleep, until I heard someone come in my room. 

"How are you sleeping?" Johnny asked me. 

"Huh?" I groaned as I started to wake up. 

"When did you get a cat?" Johnny asked.


"We don't have a cat." I quickly sat up, to see something run across my floor. 

"Oh HELL NO!" I screamed, and jumped off of my bed.

I ran out of my room, and screamed at the top of my lungs all the way into the living room. 

"Why are you screaming?" Darry yelled at me. 


"That's where Tony went." Ponyboy quickly got up from the couch, and jogged into my room. 

"Who?!" I asked. 

Ponyboy came out a few minutes later, carrying out a baby opossum. 



"Ponyboy! Why the hell was that in the house?!" Darry yelled at him. 

"I found him outside, and he looked hurt... so I brought him in to help him get better." Ponyboy spoke sheepishly. 

"Come on, we gotta go. Dallas is waiting for us." Johnny mumbled out, before Darry could keep yelling. 

"Bye." Ponyboy quickly ran out the front door.

"Don't be out late, and don't let him bring anymore animals in the house." Darry told me. 

I gave him a little nod, and Johnny and I walked out the front door. 

As the three of us got closer and closer to down town, the more nervous I grew.  

I swear I smoked four cigarettes just on the walk down there. 

And as I saw Dallas off in the distance, leaning up against a light pole... I swear my heart stopped. 

The way he lit his match off his necklace, and lit the cigarette between his lips. 

The way he took a long drag off his cigarette as the setting sun seemed to light up his skin in a soft, orange glow. 

Dallas Winston looked sort of... angelic.

"Hey, Dal." Johnny greeted him. 

Dallas looked over... at me. 

His eyes didn't even make it over to Johnny.

Dallas just looked me up and down, over, and over again. 

"What's got you all hot and bothered?" Dallas chuckled, as he took another puff from his cigarette. 

"Huh?" I quickly asked. 

"Nothing, doll.   Your cheeks are just red." Dallas let out a loud chuckle, as he passed his cigarette to me. 

"We're early." Dallas spoke again. 

"What do you wanna do?" Ponyboy asked him. 

Dallas stood tall, as he smiled wide. 

"Nothing legal, man.  Let's get out of here." Dallas talked loudly, and the four of us began walking down the street. 

AN - sorry for the slow update.... I just had surgery on my dominant hand last week.  I wrote this with my left hand so.... sorry in advance for spelling errors. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now