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Dallas and I walked in the front door, and Darry and Soda stopped in their tracks instantly.

They both then ran up and hugged me. 

"You're ok!" Soda looked like he was almost gonna cry. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked them. 

But, I already knew why he said that. 

"Ponyboy ran out last night. I guess a soc got killed last night too, and from the sounds of what the cops said last night... Johnny and Ponyboy have something to do with it." Darry spoke in a serious low tone.

The cops must have called him last night. 

One of the socs that tried to jump them must have told them how Ponyboy and Johnny were the ones who did it. 

"For a while we thought you were with them." Soda said, as he squeezed me a little tighter, before they both broke away from the hug. 

Dallas stepped to my side.

He stayed quiet, as he watched our every move. 

Darry leaned his face in looked a little harder at me, as he squinted his eyes.

"Young lady, what the HELL is on your neck!?" Darry's demeanor quickly changed, as he grew very angry.  

Dallas must have left hickies on my neck from the night before. 

Oh God

"Nothing!" I quickly put my hand over the side of my neck, and I ran behind Dallas, out of Darry's reach. 

"Darry, we have worse things to worry about than a couple hickies." Soda spoke up, as he put his hand on Darry's shoulder. 

Darry was so angry, I don't think he heard a single word Soda said. 

Darry's eyes now stared at Dallas, as he put two and two together.

"Dallas Tucker Winston! What the hell did you do with my sister!" Darry yelled at the top of his lungs. 

Dallas didn't seemed scared at all. 

I was fucking terrified.

Dallas looked right back at Darry. 

Dallas pushed me behind him lightly with his arm, and he smiled. 

"You want me to go into detail?" Dallas smirked. 

Oh. My.  God. 

Why the fuck did he say that?!

That only made Darry even more angry. 

The pot was boiling over now. 

Darry reached over, and grabbed Dallas by the neck of his shirt. 

Knock.  Knock knock

"Tulsa police." Someone said from the other side of the door. 

Darry's eyes narrowed once more at Dallas, before he let him go. 

Darry took a long deep breath, before he walked over to the front door. 

"Be cool." Dallas whispered to me, as I stepped to his side. 

Darry opened the door, and there stood two cops. 

"You hear anything about Ponyboy and Johnny?" Darry quickly asked them, as they stepped inside. 

"No, we came here to ask these two some questions." One of the cops said, before addressing me first. 

Oh shit.

"Darry said last night, you weren't home.  Where were you?" The cop quickly spoke again. 

"I went to the movies, and then I stayed at a friend's house. I stayed the night there." I told him, trying to be as vague as possible. 

The cop wasn't satisfied with my answers of course. 

"From my understanding Johnny and Ponyboy were at the movies as well.   When was the last time you saw them?" The cop pressed for more answers. 

"I left the movies early, I'm not sure what time.  That's the last time I saw them.   I stopped home for a few minutes, then I went to my friends." I told them. 

"Who?" The cop now took out a notebook and pen. 

"Buck Merrill.  I went to his place, and stayed the night there." I said.

"I showed up there a little after she did.   I was there all night with her." Dallas backed up my story. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Darry trying to hide his anger at Dallas. 

If looks could kill, Dallas would be dead. 

The cop looked at Dallas and I for a moment, before he spoke again.

"What were you two doing at Buck Merrill's place?"

"He's a good friend of ours.  We partied for a while, then we went up stairs. After a while I fell asleep." I simply told him. 

"Are you sure?" The cop question me. 

"Yes, I'm sure." I was started to get annoyed now, "I left the movies and I went to Buck's.  Me and Dallas partied, and I fell asleep.  That's all I know."

The officer sighed and closed his little note book, before he turned towards Dallas. 

"Dallas Winston, we're going to bring you in for questioning.  I think we need to talk to you in private." The officer said to him. 

"For what? I was there with her all night.  You can even ask Buck, man." Dallas defended himself. 

"Well, we know you pretty well by now, Dallas.   Come with us down to the station for further questioning." The officer told him. 

Dallas rolled his eyes at the officer. 

"I'll be back, alright?" Dallas gave my shoulder a little squeeze, before he followed the officers out the front door.  

The three of us stood there silently, as they drove away. 

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO WITH DALLAS WINSTON?!" Darry erupted with anger, as he screamed at the top of his lungs. 

I ran as fast as I could into my bedroom, and quickly locked the door behind me. 

"Open the door!" Darry yelled, as he shook the door handle. 

I had never seen him so angry in my life. 

"Darry, leave her alone.  She's already worried enough.  I think you and I need to sit down and talk." I could hear Soda tell him. 

"About what?" Darry asked him. 

"Just come here, and sit down at the table with me." Soda spoke again. 

The last thing I heard was Darry's foot steps walking away towards the kitchen. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now