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"Looks like you you two found your way here." Buck greeted us. 

"More like he followed me." I rolled my eyes. 

Though I didn't mind Dallas accompanying me on my walk. 

"Oh, she's joking." Dallas laughed it off.  

"Well, I'm glad you both could make it.  Enjoy yourselves, and have fun." Buck winked at me, before he walked off. 

I wandered to the bar, and got myself two drinks. 

"I think you better slow down.  You know, when your drinking... you should take it slow." Dallas butted in. 

I stared at Dallas directly in the eyes, as I chugged one of the drinks. 

"Really, though.  You shouldn't drink them that fast." Dallas spoke again. 

"This ain't my first drink, Dallas." I sort of scuffed at him. 

"Really?" Dallas seemed sort of surprised by that, "then you should know better.  You'll be hammered in an hour if you keep drinking like that."

"I'm drinking to get drunk." I shrugged, as I took a big gulp from my other drink. 

Dallas gave me a nod, as he awkwardly took a long drink from his beer. 

Dallas stayed quiet for a moment, before he spoke again.

"You wanna play pool or something?" Dallas asked me. 

"Sure." I simply said. 

The two of us walked over to the pool table. 

Dallas set it up, and handed me a pool stick. 

"You wanna break?" Dallas asked me. 

"No, you can." I told him. 

"I'll help you play, don't worry." Dallas told me, as he played his first shot. 

Does he think I've never played pool at all?

Most of the parties I go to...have a pool table. 

He didn't make a single ball in. 

"Guess it's my turn." I took a big drink from my cup, before setting it down. 

I took my shot and of course, made it. 

Over the years I've seemed to grow very good at pool. 

"Looks like I'm stripes." I shrugged. 

I shot again, again, and again. 

I made in every single striped ball. 

All I had left was the eight ball, then I would win the game. 

As I lined my pool stick up with the cue ball, I stopped. 

The alcohol was slowly starting to take over now. 

I was becoming less shy, and more talkative by the minute. 

I stood back up, and walked over to the Dallas. 

He stood leaning against the wall behind him, with his arms crossed over his chest, watching my every move. 

"Actually, I'll let you have a chance to shoot before I win the game." I chuckled. 

Dallas smiled, as he softly grabbed the pool stick from me. 

"Nah, I think you already one this one, honey." Dallas gave me an approving nod. 

I grabbed my cup, and slammed the rest of the drink down. 

I then weaved through everyone, and made it back to the bar. 

I sat down, as I had another drink poured. 

"You aren't such a little, innocent angel after all, are you?" Dallas asked me, as he sat down next to me.  

"Who ever said I was?" I asked him.

"Well, any of us hardly hear a peep out of you.  You always do your school work, and keep to yourself.  Then, I see you at a rodeo, sneaking out of the house, drinking, playing pool." Dallas went on, as he lit a cigarette for himself. 

Tipsy me, grabbed the cigarette from his hand. 

I took a long drag, before handing it back. 

"Guess no one's cared to ask or to pay attention." I smiled. 

Dallas smiled back. 

He rested his forearm on the top of the bar counter. 

He sort of leaned his head in closer.

"Johnny's quiet like you, be he doesn't go out partying like you do." Dallas cocked an eyebrow at me, as he took a quick puff of his cigarette. 

I shrugged in response, as I took another long drink. 

"What about Darry? He is always watching you like a hawk." Dallas spoke again. 

"Believe me, he hasn't caught on yet," I giggled, "if he did I would be six feet under.  You've gotta stay hidden in plain sight."

The rest of the night, I drank and drank... and drank. 

By about 2 am, I was fucking wasted. 

I was so drunk I couldn't even walk straight.  

Dallas and I ended up leaving before the party was even over. 

And... Dallas ended up having to carry me all the way back over his shoulder. 

"Now, you need to be quiet.  You can't wake up Darry, otherwise Darry will kick both of our heads in." Dallas whispered to me, as we make it back to the Curtis house. 

He set me down on my feet, and I stumbled back. 

I almost fell off the porch, but luckily Dallas caught me. 

I thought it was the funniest God damn thing in the world. 

I started laughing. 

Dallas quickly covered my mouth with his hand, to keep me quiet. 

Why did I sort of like it?

"Jesus Christ," Dallas sighed, "Ok, be quiet."

Dallas moved his hand from my mouth.  

He hooked both of his arms underneath mine, before he walked me into the house. 

He slowly and quietly walked me to my bedroom. 

As soon as Dallas got us into my bedroom, he closed the door quickly. 

He locked it behind us, and he turned the light on. 

"You need to go to bed and sleep this off." Dallas walked me over to the bed. 

He laid me down, and took my shoes off even. 

I let out a satisfied groan out, as Dallas covered me up with the blanket. 

Dallas sort of smiled at me, in my drunken sleepy state, before he shut the light off and walked out of the room. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now