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About a week later, I found myself staring in the mirror at my own reflection. 

The cut on my face was pretty much healed up, but it left a mean looking scar. 

Deep down I wish I would just wake up and it would be gone, but I knew that's not how it worked. 

Maybe it would fade to nothing, or maybe it would stick around forever. 

Kind of like Dallas. 

I just couldn't seem to get him out of my head. 

Sometimes I was happy to think about him. 

Like when he caught me sneaking out and walked me to Buck's, or when he bought me that lipstick.

Other times, it wasn't so happy. 

I just kept thinking about how he kept calling me a broad. 

He knew I didn't like it.  

I swear he was just trying to make me angry. 

But, it didn't help that I was just angry at everything. 

Dallas being.. Dallas
And being in jail. 

Johnny and I getting jumped. 

Darry always yelling at me. 

"You gonna stare at yourself all day?" Johnny peaked his head in the bathroom. 

"No." I mumbled, as I walked out of the bathroom. 

"Why you so worried about that scar on your face? I know that's what you were looking at.  You look at it every day. Staring at it, ain't gonna make it go away." Johnny told me, as he followed me into the kitchen. 

I walked over to the fridge, and gripped a beer. 

"Because, I don't like it," I popped the cap off and took a big gulp, "I don't like the way it looks.  I don't like having it on my face."

"Who said you could drink a beer?" Darry yelled at me from the kitchen. 

"It's just one Darry." Soda argued back with him. 

Steve wandered over and bumped into me, and he reached into the fridge to grab himself a beer. 

"Yeah, quit drinking my beer." Steve hissed at me.  

And before I could even say anything back, a scream rang through the air. 

It sounded like it was just down the street. 

Everyone stopped what they were doing. 

The whole house went dead silent. 

"DARRY!" They screamed again. 

"That's Ponyboy!" I yelled, as I ran out of the house. 

With my beer in hand and no shoes on, I ran as fast as I could down the street. 

The boys followed me, and in the distance we could see a group of socs holding Ponyboy down. 

It looked like they had a knife to his neck. 

I grabbed the one by the back of his shirt, and yanked him off with all my might. 

One of the other socs started shoving me around, but not for long. 

The gang had caught up by now, and there was a full blown fight that broke out between us and the socs. 

It didn't last long, as the socs scrambled to get in their car. 

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