As Dallas pulled himself into my room, he stopped. 

He stood there for a second, as his eyes looked around my room. 

Dallas seemed sort of amazed, I'm not sure why though. 

I didn't have much. 

A twin size bed, a bed side table, a dresser, a small closet, and a small desk that had a mirror on it where I did my homework and my makeup. 

Dallas started wandering around, and digging through the makeup that sat on the desk. 

He picked up things, opened them, and touched them.

"You better not break my lipstick." I told him, as I sat down on my bed. 

"I'm not gonna break it." Dallas rolled his eyes, as he winded it up all the way. 

The lipstick then proceeded to break off. 

Dallas looked over at me with wide eyes, then back at the broken lipstick in his hands. 

"Oops." He quickly put it back down on the desk. 

And it was my favorite one ughhhhh

"Dallas!" I scolded him. 

"Shhhh," he hushed me as he walked over.  Dallas leaned over, his face just inches away from mine, "You're gonna get us caught."


"Sounds like a risk I'm willing to take." I grabbed the front of Dallas's shirt, and pulled him in closer. 

My lips barely grazed Dallas's, as he began to smirk. 

"Oh, yeah? Who said I am?" Dallas winked. 

"You're in my bedroom, aren't you?" I asked him. 

Dallas quickly smashed his lips into mine. 

I laid back onto the bed, as Dallas laid on top of me. 

Dallas kissed me rougher, and more sloppy this time. 

His hands traveled under, and up my shirt.  

I wrapped my legs around his waist. 

I was loving every fucking second of this.  

I just couldn't believe that I was making out with Dallas fucking Winston on my fucking bed. 

Dallas broke away from our kiss. 

He looked down at me, as his licked his lips. 

His silver necklace dangled in my face. 

"You've got pretty eyes." Dallas mumbled out. 

I smiled as I looked up at him. 

Oh, I think my heart just melted. 

Before I could even think of what to say, Dallas's lips found their way to my neck. 

Right below my jaw, he started sucking and biting at the skin. 

He traveled down to my collar bone, leaving a trail every where his lips touched. 

Dallas stopped, took his shirt off, and tossed it across the room.

Hee then took my shirt, he slipped it off over my head, and tossed it across the room as well.




The soft knocks on my door rang through my room. 

Dallas and I froze still instantly. 

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Darry said from the other side of the door. 

Oh, fuck.

Dallas and I looked at each other, as fear had completely taken over our faces. 

"Umm, one minute." I said back. 

If Dallas tried to climb out the window, Darry would hear him. 

What the fuck do we do?

"Get under the bed." I quickly whispered to Dallas. 

"Huh?!" Dallas's eyes grew wide, "I'm not crawling under the fucking bed."

"Just get under the fucking bed! It's that, or Darry kills us both!" I whispered back.  

Really it was the only option.

My closet was too packed full of clothes for Dallas to even fit in there. 

Dallas thought for a second, before he reluctantly got up. 

He then laid down on the floor, and pulled himself under the bed. 

He barely fit under there. 

I got up, grabbed the closest shirt that I could find, slipped it on, and slowly walked over to the door. 

I opened it just enough where I could peak one of my eyes out.  

"What?" I asked him. 

Darry gave me a weak smile. 

"I'm just... seeing if you're going to eat dinner." Darry said. 

"I thought I was grounded." I replied. 

"Well, you still should eat dinner." Darry folded his arms over his chest. 

"I'm not hungry." I glared at him. 

Dude, leave me alone. 

You're being such a cock block right now. 

"Well, when you get hungry, find something to eat.  I'll talk to you tomorrow." Darry gave me a little nod, before he walked away. 

I shut the door quickly, and locked it. 

I let out a long sigh of relief. 

"Jesus, it's a tight squeeze underneath there." Dallas huffed, as he pulled himself out from under the bed. 

Dallas stood before me, as he dusted himself off. 

"I've never been under there, I wouldn't know." I let out a little chuckle. 

"Well, I'm gonna head out for the night." Dallas said, as he picked up his t-shirt and put it on. 

"Alright." I sort of mumbled, kind of disappointed that he was leaving so soon. 

I think he saw that I was disappointed. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, though." Dallas reassured me, as he gave me a small kiss.

"Ok." I smiled at him. 

Dallas then snuck back out of the window.

I watched him through the yard, down the street, as he disappeared into the night. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now