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The three of them stormed in, and slammed the door behind them. 

Their talking instantly stopped when Ponyboy and Johnny saw me laying on the bed. 

I could feel them staring at me. 

"Sleeping, Dal?" Johnny asked him. 

Dallas let out a little chuckle, as dug around in his dresser drawers.  

"Ponyboy, are you wet?" Dallas asked loudly. 

"Yeah, a little." Ponyboy replied, as he sat down on the edge of the bed. 

I quickly peaked over my shoulder. 

Ponyboy was soaked head to toe, as Dallas tossed him a shirt from his dresser. 

"It's Buck's, so it will be a little big on you. But, at least it's dry." Dallas said, before he pulled a hand gun and a wad of cash out of his drawer. 

My eyes met Johnny's, as Dallas handed him the cash and the gun. 

I quickly closed my eyes, and turned my head back to the wall. 

Johnny looked nervous as ever. 

But why did Dallas give him a Gan and money?

What the fuck happened?

"Now, I'm not itchin' to be the one to tell your big brother about this and get my head kicked in." Dallad huffed, as he sat down on the bed next to Ponyboy. 

Johnny sat down too. 

"Well, don't tell him!" Ponyboy yelled out. 

It sounded like he was just about to cry. 

"Is she even wearing any clothes? Come on, Dal? We couldn't have gone to a different room?" Johnny asked. 

I could hear him nervously bitting his fingertips. 

Ponyboy gasped loudly. 

"She's naked? Well, why is she sleeping naked?" Ponyboy asked. 

Everyone went silent again. 

I was internally screaming. 

I was dying from embarrassment. 

Ponyboy stood up quickly, when he put two and two together. 

"EWWWW! THATS MY SISTER!" Ponyboy yelled. 

"Hey, I don't think this is the main concern right now, man." Dallas spoke in a low tone. 

"Shhhh! You're gonna wake her up." Johnny hushed Ponyboy harshly. 

But, Johnny knew I was awake.

I swallowed hard. 

I'm fucked

Now that Ponyboy knows, he's gonna fucking tell Darry. 

Then Darry is going to kill me, and fucking Dallas

Dallas then leaned in close to bothof them, and the three of them whispered back and forth for a while.

"Now, don't as much as stick your noses out that front door.  I'll come up there in a few days when things cool off." Dallas ordered them.

The way he spoke was so serious. 

So stern...

It only made me worry more.  

After a few more minutes, Dallas walked Ponyboy and Johnny out of the room.

I opened my eyes and turned towards the door. 

"What's going on, Dallas?" I quickly asked him, as soon as he walked in the door. 

He shut the door quickly, locking it this time. 

Dallas bit the inside of his cheek, as he nervously paced around the room. 

The worried look on Dallas's face scared me to fucking death. 

"Dal," I spoke again, "You're scaring me.  Please sit down and tell me what happened."

Dallas glanced up at me quickly, before walking over to the bed, and climbing in next to me. 

I sat up a little bit, and moved a little closer to him. 

Dallas took a long deep breath. 

"Johnny killed that soc, the guy with the rings." Dallas spoke. 

My stomach instantly dropped. 

"What?!" I blurted out. 

"Yeah, I guess him and Ponyboy were at the park.  Those socs pulled up, and were trying to jump them.  They started to try to drown Ponyboy in the fountain, man.   Johnny stabbed one of the guys and killed them." Dallas spoke quietly, in a serious tone. 

Oh, shit

My whole body was numb at this point. 

"That was the guy that beat me and Johnny up a while back, the guy with the rings." I mumbled out. 

"Yeah, it was." Dallas gave me a slow nod, as he grabbed a cigarette from his bed side table. 

He put it to his lips, as he struck a match against his necklace.  

He took a long, deep drag from his cigarette, before he handed it to me. 

"There going to Windrixville, to hide out in that old abandoned church until things die down.   Then I'm gonna go up there in a few days, and see how they're doing." Dallas took another long drag. 

Now, I was really worried. 

I felt my stomach spinning in circles, as my hands started to shake. 

This was far worse than anything I could have imagined. 

Dallas wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me in closer. 

"Calm down, sweetheart.  They're gonna be okay." Dallas reassured me.  

I took a long deep breath, as I laid my head down on his chest. 

I didn't know what to say or do. 

I just closed my eyes, and tried to calm myself down. 

Dallas reached over, and turned the lamp out next to him. 

"Just try to get some rest." Dallas spoke again. 

"You promise your gonna come home with me tomorrow? I'm scared to go home." My voice was shaking now. 

"Yea, I promise.  If anyone asks you if you know anything about this, you say no.  You were sleeping, you didn't even know they were here." Dallas replied. 

"Yes. I came here, me and you partied, and I felt asleep. That's all I know." I told him, as I continued to squeeze my eyes shut. 

"Good." Dallas said, as he kissed the top of my head. 

Dallas seemed to fall asleep rather quickly. 

I don't think I got an ounce of sleep. 

I was too worried about everything now

That feeling only got worse when I started hearing the police sirens. 

I knew that were heading to the park. 

I laid awake all night. 

I smoked cigarette, after cigarette... until the sun start to come up. 

I didn't even feel tired. 

And not so long after the sun came up, Dallas Winston started to stir awake. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now