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I sat in my room for a while, sort of scared to come out.

The terrifying, dark look in Dallas's eyes as he held me tightly by the front of my shirt just moments before, I couldn't get out of my head.

I had never really seen him that angry, well, at least not towards me anyway.

I've never even seen him that angry with Johnny either.

I waited in my room with Johnny until the house sounded quiet, before I snuck out of my room to go outside.

As I got closer to the front door of the house, I could see Dallas standing outside on the porch.

He was facing the street, and his forearms were resting on the railing.

He we fucking go.

I took a deep breath, and stepped outside.

Dallas's head turned in my direction the instant he heard the door start to open.

He watched me as I walked out, and lit a cigarette.

Dallas stared at me for a while, with a mean look on his face.

"A fucking milkshake? Really?!" Dallas yelled at me.

"Quit acting like you didn't deserve that." I huffed back on it.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Really? What fucking makes you think that I deserved a milkshake thrown in my face?" Dallas argued with me.

His whole body language had changed now.

He stood tall, and towered over me as he yelled.

Normally, I would have just kept my mouth shut and walked away.

Not this time.

I was sort of sick of being quiet all the time.

I was sick of everyone walking all over me.

I turned towards Dallas, taking a long drag from my cigarette.

"YOU kept calling me a broad. YOU know I don't like that, and YOU still did it." I argued back.

"So?" Dallas scuffed.

Are you kidding me?

"You were never like this to me before. Now, we fuck a few times and you think you can treat me however you want? Is that it?" I scuffed at him.

Dallas tried to shrug it off.

"That's just how I am."

"Well, I'm not gonna put up with 'that's just how I am.' I deserve better than that." I mocked him.

Dallas didn't like that I mocked him.

He didn't like the fact that I was arguing with him, and standing my ground.

He took it as a threat.

Because no body ever challenged Dallas Winston.

His face grew red again, as he took a step closer to me.

Dallas then grabbed the cigarette from between my fingers, and dropped it to the ground, before stomping it out right in front of me.

"For someone that doesn't like being called a broad, you sure do act like one." Dallas leaned closer, and spar in my face.

That was it.

That pushed me over the point of no return.

I could feel my whole body grow hot, as I instantly became the most angry I have ever been.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! YOU'RE A NO GOOD HOOD RAT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs in his face.

Dallas seemed to jump a bit, as my voice ripped through the air.

Dallas threw his hands up in defense, and tried to play it cool.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Dallas shrugged before turning, and walking away.

All he could have done was apologized, and we would have been cool.

But noooo

Dallas had to be a prideful asshole.

I grabbed a brick that sat next to the house, and I winded my arm back.

Before I could even throw it at Dallas, Johnny ran out of the house, and ripped it from my hands.

"We are not going to crack his head open, or do anything to put ourselves it jail." Johnny scolded me, as he tossed the brick onto the front lawn.

"Why not?" I quickly asked.

"Because, you don't want to go to jail.... and Darry would ground you.... again." Johnny responded.

I was more worried about Darry grounding me than going to jail.

"No, go back inside. We have school tomorrow, and I'm tired." Johnny pleaded.

Which I agreed with, and went back inside.

Johnny went to sleep on my bed.

I paced around the living room just about all night.

I was too angry to sleep.

I tried everything I could to calm down enough to go to sleep, but I just couldn't.

I paced around all night, and I think I smoked through 2 packs of cigarettes before the sun even came up.

I hadn't even realized that it was morning, until Darry came out of his room.

"You're up early," Darry greeted me, "this is probably the first tine in years haven't had to wake up up for school."

I gave Darry a little nod in response.

"I'll start coffee, but then I gotta go." Darry spoke again.

"Have fun at work." I mumbled back.

"You better not go back to sleep. You better be on time fore school." Darry told me.

I gave him a little nod, before I walked into my room.

As I began getting ready for school, I couldn't help but be nervous.

Was Dallas going to try to start a scene at school?

Was he even going to talk to me?

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now