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"I'll get her up." Someone said only seconds before my bedroom door opened. 

I wasn't even awake or aware of what was going on, until I heard my bedroom door swing open. 

Oh no. 

That's when I remembered that Dallas stayed the night. 

He was sleeping right next to me still. 

My eyes jolted open, and I sat up in a panic. 

It was already too late. 

Soda stood in the doorway, smiling, with his arms crossed over his chest, as he leaned against the door frame. 

"Good morning to you... two." Soda said, as Dallas stirred awake. 

"Oh shit." Dallas mumbled, as he finally realized what was going on. 

Dallas sat up, and ran his hands through his hair.

Dallas and I didn't know what to say or do. 

"Well, this is definitely a pair I didn't expect to see." Soda chuckled. 

I think it was his way of sort of saying, 'it doesn't bother me, and I'm not gonna tell.'.

"Where's Darry?" I blurted out. 

I was still in panic mode. 

"He had to go to work early, and Ponyboy already left for school.  I gotta head to work now, Johnny's waiting on the couch for you." Soda said, before shutting my bedroom door, and walking out. 

"Fuck." I said, getting up from bed. 

"What, sweetheart? It will be fine.   He just saw us... laying together.  I know he's not gonna say nothing to Darry, man." Dallas reassured me, ad I searched through my room looking for clothes to wear to school. 

"I know he's not gonna say anything," I said as I changed, "it's just he saw all those hickies on my neck... then he saw all the hickies on yours.  Now, he finds us sleeping in bed together.  Just because he dropped out, doesn't mean he's dumb.  He's putting two and two together."

Dallas's eyes grew a bit wider, as the pieces connected in his mind. 

"Well, fuck." Dallas said, as he stood up. 

"Yeah, fuck is right, Dallas." I said back, as I combed through my hair. 

"At least he's not mad." Dallas spoke again. 

"Have you ever seen Soda mad about things that don't involve him? No." I replied. 

I grabbed my text books, as walked out my bedroom. 

Dallas followed me into the living room. 

Johnny stood up from the couch, and he handed me my shoes. 

Johnny and Dallas looked at each other. 

"Sleeping together saves blankets," Dallas smirked as he patted Johnny on the back, "just like me and her shower together... to save water."

"That's gross, man." Johnny shook his head, wishing Dallas had not told him that information. 

"Do you think Soda is gonna tell Sandy or Steve? Just because he isn't gonna tell Darry doesn't mean he's not gonna tell them." Dallas asked, as I put my shoes on. 

Why is he asking so many questions?

I walked out the front door, and the two of them followed me. 

"He might tell them, but it's not like they would tell Darry." I said, as the three of us walked down the street towards school. 

Johnny lit a cigarette for the both of us to share, as Dallas lit one for himself. 

"Why do you think they won't say nothing? What do you have against them?" Dallas seemed nervous.  

"I don't have nothing against them.   Sandy ain't one to tell business that ain't hers, besides... that would be sort of hypocritical of her to tell Darry about me and you fucking.   Steve on the other hand, does not give two shits about me or Ponyboy.  He thinks the two of us are annoying kids." I rambled on. 

"Aren't you older than him and Soda, and besides... you don't really say to much to begin with." Dallas butted in. 

"Exactly, but since Soda invites her and Ponyboy out with him and Steve sometimes... he thinks her and Ponyboy beg Soda to let them go with." Johnny explained, as he handed the cigarette to me. 

"So, if he does end up saying something to Steve... he's either not going to believe it, or he's not going to give two shits." I said, as I took a long drag from my cigarette, before handing it back to Johnny. 

Dallas thought for a second, as we walked closer and closer to the school. 

Then, he stopped dead in his tracks. 

"Well, what if he just doesn't tell Steve? Easier to cut out the middle man, don't you think?" Dallas asked me.  

I turned back and shrugged, "then you better go catch him before he tells Steve."

"Come with me?" Dallas asked me, as he looked at me with puppy dog eyes. 

"I wish I could, but if I'm late and get another detention... Darry is gonna ground me even more than he does already." I sighed. 

"I'll catch you later then." Dallas stepped closer to me. 

He kissed the side of my face, before he turned and walked the opposite direction towards the DX station. 

Johnny and I continued our walk towards school. 

"I don't get why he cares if Steve knows or not." I mumbled to Johnny. 

"Well, on the off chance that Steve would tell Darry.  Darry for one, would be furious that Soda knew and didn't tell him.  Two, Darry would kill you and Dallas.   He would kill you because you had sex, not only that... you had sex with Dallas.   He would kill Dallas for having sex with his sister." Johnny spoke in a very serious tone. 

He was right though. 

If Darry found out, he would kick Dallas Winston's ass

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