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Dallas Winston stood in front of me, as the two of us were hidden in the darkness behind the house. 

"So," he started to speak again, this time in a much softer tone of voice,"where you going?"

I swallowed hard. 

Though he stood in front of me, questioning me about what I was doing...

For some reason all I could think about was him being shirtless this morning. 

"Um... no where, just coming outside." I said. 

Dallas looked behind me at my bedroom window, then back at me. 

"Really? Then why didn't you come out the front door?" Dallas questioned me. 

I smiled, and shrugged in response. 

Dallas looked down at me, as he dragged his fingertips across the side of his jaw. 

"Mhmmm, because it kind of looked like you're sneaking out." Dallas chuckled a bit at the end. 

There was no denying it now, he had caught me red handed. 

I raised my eyebrows at him for a second. 

"Good observation." I replied, before I began walking away. 

I snuck around the back side of the house. 

I cut through some yards, before I made it to the street. 

As I walked down the street, Dallas seemed to jog to catch up to me. 

Why was he even following me anyway?

"You wanna know something?" Dallas asked me, as he walked by my side. 

"Not really." I stopped walking, and crossed my arms over my chest. 

Dallas stopped too.  

He sort of gave me a surprised look too. 

"I was at a rodeo today, and Buck Merrill was accompanied by someone with the same hair, clothes, and eyes just like you.  And now, you're heading in the exact direction of Buck Merrill's house, where there's supposed to be a party.   Anything you wanna tell me about any of that?" Dallas cocked an eyebrow at me. 


So he did know it was me.  

"I think you need to get your eyes checked." I laughed sarcastically. 

Dallas shot me another surprised look. 

He seemed almost amused by my comments back. 

"Woah, woah, woah.   Who taught you how to talk all of a sudden?" Dallas smiled, as he gave my shoulder a nudge. 

Even his touch made my heart race. 

"I've always known how to talk." I said back. 

"Hey, man.  This is the most you've said at once in the how many years I've known ya." Dallas replied back. 

"I didn't talk unless I'm spoken too." I said back. 

"Yeah, I'm now realizing that." Dallas gave me a half smile. 

Took you long enough. 

Did he think I was mute or something?

I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Are you almost done? I'm gonna be late." I tapped my food against the asphalt impatiently. 

Dallas looked down at my foot, then back up at my eyes. 

"We better get going then." Dallas motioned with his hands. 

"We? Who said anything about that?" I asked. 

"Well, I was invited too. Besides, I gotta make sure you make it there in one piece." Dallas smiled, as he placed his hands on my waist. 

He quickly stepped behind me, and now stood on the opposite side of me. 

He walked besides me, now on the outside more towards the middle of the street.  

"I don't think it would be good for either of us if you got smoked by a car." Dallas said, as he shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. 

"You sure about that?" I almost winked at him. 

"Oooooh, sassy too, sweetheart." Dallas then rested his arm around my shoulder. 


I was internally screaming at the top of my lungs.  

Dallas Winston, who always took pride in his cold, tough demeanor...

Wasn't actually as mean as I thought he would be.  

Well, at least not to me at least. 

I've heard him when he's in a mood or hot headed. 

I've heard him and Steve get in some pretty loud arguments.  

I've seen Dallas all bloody and bruised coming back from a fight or a rumble. 

I knew he could fight mean, I knew he could yell loud. 

Dallas could be mean and violent, but he didn't seem so mean and violent to me in that moment. 

He seemed sort of charismatic and almost... charming. 

Dallas gave my shoulder a little squeeze. 

I could feel my cheeks and ears grow warm as they blushed. 

I hope Dallas didn't see me blushing. 

I seemed to blush more as I got a drift of Dallas's after shave and cologne. 

It was a good smell, almost calming. 

As we got to the door of Buck Merrill's place, you could hear the beat of the music thumping loudly clear down the street. 

Dallas stepped in front of me, and grabbed the door. 

As soon as the door even cracked open, the smell of cigarettes and cheap liquor hit me. 

Dallas motioned for me to go first. 

I gave him a simple nod as the thank you, as I walked into the party. 

There were people everywhere. 

The place was packed full of drunken people dancing and talking.  

My eyes scanned the room, as I searched for Buck in the crowd of people. 

"Over here." Dallas said, as he spotted him before me. 

Dallas grabbed my arm softly, just above the elbow. 

He lead me through the made of people, and over to Buck, who stood over near the stairs. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now