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I almost ran to the bathroom, as Dallas trailed quickly behind me. 

I wasn't gonna let him get it thattttt easily. 

I smirked at him, as I shut the door behind me, just before Dallas made it into the bathroom. 

"Heyyyy." Dallas dragged out from the other side of the door. 

"Whatttt?" I asked back, as I quickly got undressed. 

I turned on the water, waiting for it to warm up. 

"You know what." Dallas said back. 

I could tell by the way he talked, he was growing more antsy by the second. 

The way he spoke, it almost sounded like Dallas was begging.

I stepped into the shower and smiled.

"I'm waiting." I said. 

I swear before I even took another breath, Dallas climbed into the shower with me. 

I looked up at him. 

Dallas was looking directly down at me into my eyes. 

His eyes were gleaming with admiration, as the water dripped from his hair down his face. 

"What's got you all hot and bothered?" I raised my eye brows at him. 

"You already know the answer to that." Dallas said before he began softly kissing me. 

His hands traveled down my body and to my hips. 

I slowly moved back, till my back was pressed against the shower wall. 

And with one swift motion, Dallas picked me up by my hips, he inserted himself slowly, as my hips rested on his. 

My eyes floated shut, as he slowly began thrusting. 

My lips broke away from his, as I rested my face on the inside of his neck. 

I was trying my best to concentrate, as my mind was trying to grasp any strand of reality.

I was in complete bliss. 

Is this what heaven felt like?

"You're so fucking hot." Dallas seemed to whisper out, as his thrusts got harder and quicker. 

I couldn't even manage to get a single word out, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

I began kissing his neck, sucking as hard as I could on any skin that my lips touched. 

As my lips hit just under the corner of Dallas jaw, he seemed to shutter.

That was the spot. 

That's what made Dallas Winston fold. 

Kissing him just under his jaw. 

Dallas's breath seemed to hitch, as his jaw tightened. 

His grip on my hips grew stronger, as he thrusted on final time. 

"Fuck." Dallas mumbled, as his body almost went limp. 

Dallas let me down to my feet softly, as he tried to pull his mind back to reality. 

"You can't be doing that inside of me! Why didn't you pull me off?!" I scolded him. 

"It was too good for you to get off.  I couldn't help it." Dallas smiled, as he kissed me softly again. 

I folded my arms over my chest, and I squinted my eyes at him. 

Dallas chuckled, as he put shampoo in his hands, and began washing my hair for me. 

"Don't act like you didn't like every fucking minute of that." Dallas winked at me. 

He was fucking right. 

I did love every fucking minute of it. 

If he told me to get off, I probably wouldn't have. 

Dallas washed my hair, and he did scrub my back. 

It was nice, except when he got fucking soap in my eyes. 

For the next three hours, Dallas and I fucked over, and over again. 

We fucked on my bed,
We fucked on the couch,
We fucked anywhere we could in the house. 

We just couldn't get enough of each other. 

He did end up leaving of course. 

Wanted to avoid that conversation with Darry, if he came home from work and he saw me and Dallas here alone. 

Not that he would think much of it, but I didn't want to take any chances of him asking any questions. 

Once Dallas left, I went back into my room to cover the hickies again from the night before. 

....and the new ones Dallas also gave me. 

I couldn't complain though, you should see the ones I gave him. 

His neck was covered, and so was his chest. 

I don't think he could even cover the ones I gave him even if he wanted to. 

I went back out of my room, and laid down on the couch. 

I stared up at the ceiling, deep in through. 

I fucked Dallas Winston. 

I fucked Dallas Winston. 


It was too real to be a dream. 

I think what hit my heart the hardest about this, was how Dallas acted. 

He seemed so soft, almost vulnerable.  

Dallas didn't seem his tough, mean self at all. 

Though he's now the only one that has ever seen me naked, I had felt so comfortable with him. 

I had never really felt that comfortable with anyone like that before. 

I mean, I'm pretty comfortable with Soda and Johnny, maybe even Twobit..... but I guess that's a different type of comfortable. 

As I laid there thinking, trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened, I drifted off to sleep. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now