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"Hey, blondie." A deep voice spoke out.

I wasn't quiet awake yet as the voices around me chattered back and forth.

As I stirred awake, the pounding headache grew worse and worse by the second.

A set of fingers ran through my hair softly, as my eyes opened.

"Hey, Dal!" I jumped to my feet, and wrapped my arms around him.

"Heyyyy," Dallas dragged out,"you hold up okay?"

I forgot that Ponyboy and Johnny where here for a moment, as I hugged Dallas.

I really did miss him.

I loosened my grip a bit, as I looked around.

Ponyboy was preoccupied by the note he had in his hand, and Johnny stood there quietly next to us.

"I've been better, I feel like shit. I'm tired, hungry, and I've got a headache the size of Texas." I mumbled.

Though I hadn't seen my own reflection in a few days, I knew I looked terrible.

I knew I was dirty and needed a shower.

Dallas had a five o'clock shadow coming in, which surprised me.

Dallas was always good about shaving.

I don't think I've ever seen him not cleanly shaven.

"Man, I'm hungry too. How about you guys? I'm starving." Dallas spoke out to everyone.

"You're hungry? Try bologna for four days." Johnny sort of scuffed.

Dallas let out a booming laugh.

Right in my ear too, which made me wince in pain as the sound echoed in my head.

"You gotta cancer stick, Johnny?" Dallas asked, as he held his hand out to Johnny.

Johnny dig around in his pockets, before finding a cigarette and handing it to Dallas.

Dallas stuck a match off the back side of his necklace, before lightning the cigarette between his lips.

Dallas took a long drag from it, as he looked over at Ponyboy.

"Man, this guy and his hair." Dallas snickered at Ponyboy's blonde hair.

"I hate it!" Ponyboy huffed, "it's like a Halloween costume I can get out of."

Man, Ponyboy was irritable this morning.

"It's just hair, Ponyboy. It'll grow back." I told him.

"Come on, let's get something to eat." Dallas spoke out again, giving my waist a little squeeze.

Dallas tossed his cigarette, as the three of us followed him out of the church.

"You take the front, Johnny." I told him, and Johnny gave me a little nod as we approached the car.

Dallas walked to the back, and opened the door for me.

I gave him a little smile, as Johnny and Ponyboy gave him a weird look.

I guess they've never seen Dallas be genuine to someone.... or they haven't payed attention to notice it before.

"What? Who said chivalry was dead?" Dallas asked them jokingly, before he smacked my ass as I got in the car.

"Well, if it wasn't dead, you just killed it." Johnny chuckled, as he got in the front passenger seat.

"Hey, that's my sister!" Ponyboy groaned as he got in the car.

"Shut up, before I make you an uncle." Dallas laughed loudly, as shut my door, before he walked around and got into the driver's seat.

Ponyboy thought for a second, before he pointed his finger down his throat and fake gagged.

Dallas started the car quickly, and tore out of the church parking lot.

He sped down the streets, flew around the corners, and was pulling out in front of people.

Jesus Christ he was driving like a fucking maniac.

The ride to the church with just the two of us was much calmer.

I was holding on for dear life the whole ride into town.

Ponyboy and I were being tossed around in the back seat with his sharp turns.

Once we finally make it to Dairy Queen, ordered our food, and parked the car, I was thankful we made it in one fucking piece.

We ordered a bunch of pulled pork sandwiches and cokes.

Even though I felt like I was starving, I only ate about half a sandwich.

Ponyboy was on the same boat as me, as he tossed the rest of his sandwich out the car.

I watched as Johnny and Dallas spoke quietly back and forth in the front seat.

Dallas then opened the center council and pulled a hand gun out.

"Dally, you kill people with heaters!" Ponyboy gasped at the sight of the gun.

"Don't worry, it ain't loaded." Dallas replied.

"Hey, mister!" A little pigtailed girl ran up to the car.

Dallas looked up for a second at her, before he closed the center council.

We all turned our faces away from her.

Johnny and Ponyboy were wanted, and people were on the lookout for them.

We didn't want to take any chances with being recognized.

"Do you have a dime!?" She loudly called out to us.

"I don't have any money, man." Dallas replied harshly.

"Do you-"

"No, get out of here!" Dallas yelled at her, and she finally got the message.

"I think I wanna turn myself in." Johnny blurted out.

Everyone was dead silent now.

"What?!" Dallas didn't believe what had just came out of Johnny's mouth.

"I think I wanna turn myself in. I mean, it's not fair to her or Ponyboy." Johnny said.

"Johnny, I know what jail is like. You don't know what a few months in there will do to you. I just don't want that to happen to you, like it happened to me." Dallas was almost pleading with Johnny at this point.

But there was no changing Johnny's mind.

"Did my parents ask about me?" Johnny asked him.

"The boys are worried about you." Dallas spoke back to him.

"I asked if my parents are worried about me." Johnny repeated himself.

Dallas was growing angrier, and angrier by the second.

"No!" Dallas was nearly yelling,"no they didn't ask about you! But so what? My dad doesn't care if I'm dead in a ditch, drunk or in jail! And that doesn't bother me none!"

Oh no.

Johnny looked at Dallas for a second.

Johnny looked so worried, as he slumped down into the seat.

Dallas took a long deep breath.

"You sure this is what you wanna do? I get you a hide out..." Dallas spoke much softer now, as his sentence trailed off.

"Yes, I wanna turn myself in." Johnny spoke sincerely.

"Fine, fine." Dallas huffed, as he turned the key of the car.

Dallas threw the car into drive, and sped off.

And the closer we got to the church, my stomach started to get a funny feeling.

The air had an odd smell to it, and it only grew stronger.

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now