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I swear to God that was the fastest I had ever run in my life. 

Fear and adrenaline had taken over my body. 

I wasn't focused on anything or anyone besides getting out of there and back home. 

I really had never made Dallas mad before. 

I was scare for my God damn life. 

Because no body does that to Dallas Winston. 

I don't even know why I did that. 

I guess I was just so mad at everything. 

I busted through the front door, and ran into the kitchen. 

Darry and Soda were standing in the kitchen talking, while Steve was sitting on the couch watching TV. 

They both about jumped to the ceiling the way I came running in. 

"What's on your shirt?" Soda calmly asked me, as I ran around frantically searching for a place to hide. 

"It's chocolate milkshake!" I yelled back. 

"What happened? Why are you running around like that?!" Darry hollered at me. 

I could hear Dallas and them yelling as they were getting closer to the house. 

"If anyone asks I'm not here! You haven't seen me since this morning!" I yelled as I quickly climbed into one of the kitchen cabinets. 

I curled up in a ball, and sat as still and as silent as I possibly could. 

I looked out the tiny crack of light in-between the doors, anxiously waiting. 

"WHERE IS SHE!" Dallas yelled, as he marched into the house. 

"Haven't seen her." Soda shrugged as if nothing out of the ordinary happened. 

"What happened, Dallas?" Darry asked, as he stepped closer to him. 

That's when Johnny and Twobit came in the door. 

Johnny walked in with his head down, and his hands shoved into his pockets. 

Twobit came in still letting our a loud roar of laughter. 

"She threw a milkshake at him." Twobit seemed to laugh even harder, as the memory from a few minutes ago replayed in his memory. 

He was laughing so hard, he could barely stay standing up. 

Dallas however, was so angry that his entire face was a dark shade of red. 

His hands were balled up into fists so tight that his knuckles were pure white. 

"Where is she!?" Dallas yelled out again. 

"In the cabinets." Steve opened his mouth. 

His eyes didn't even leave the TV as he spoke. 

That mother fucker

As Dallas stormed into the kitchen, my body seemed to start shaking. 

Dallas reached into the cabinet, and grabbed me by my shirt, and pulled me out. 

He had the front of my t-shirt balled up in his fists, as he held me in the air. 

Dallas held me so we were face to face, and my feet dangled above the ground.  

Dallas's eyes narrowed at me. 

"Why you acting like a little shit, huh?" Dallas asked me through gritted teeth. 

I swallowed hard, and I stared him directly in his eyes.  

I was going everything I could to hide my genuine fear that had taken over my body. 

But, there was only so much I could hide. 

As Dallas looked deeper into my eyes, his gaze seemed to soften. 

Eyes never lie. 

"Put me down, Dallas." I managed to say. 

Dallas stared at me a little longer, and he took a long deep breath. 

Dallas lowered me to the ground, and let go of me. 

Everyone watched in silence, as Dallas seemed to step back from me. 

I didn't like how everyone was staring at us.

I don't like people looking at me in general.

I quickly pushed past Dallas, and began walking away. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Darry walk up to Dallas. 

"Don't you ever grab my sister like that again." Darry hissed at Dallas. 

Dallas didn't even look him in the eye, as he gave him a little nod. 

I quickly went into my room, and slammed the door shut. 

I instantly started bawling. 

The dark look that Dallas had in his eyes in that moment, scared me to fucking death. 

I really thought he was gonna hurt me

As I took my wrinkled, dirty shirt, I noticed the top of my chest was red. 

It looked like it was starting to bruise. 

Dallas was holding my shirt so tight, I guess his knuckles were pressing into my chest. 

I can't believe I didn't feel it in the moment, but now I did. 

It hurt like fucking hell

I laid down on my bed, and closed my eyes. 

I was trying everything to calm down, and stop crying.  

I didn't want any of them to hear me crying. 

And by the sounds of it, it sounded like they were all sitting there in dead silence. 

I think everyone was still trying to process what had just happened. 

After a few minutes, there were soft knocks at my bedroom door. 

"Can I come in?" It was Johnny. 

"Yeah." I said, as I quickly wiped the tears from my face, and swallowed my cries. 

I laid there, in my bra and jeans, as Johnny quickly stepped into my room, shutting the door behind him. 

He walked over, and sat on the foot of my bed by my feet. 

"Man, I ain't ever seen Dallas step back like that.  I ain't never seen someone stand up to Dallas like that." Johnny said quietly. 

I didn't know what to say, I just started sobbing again. 

"Did he do that? Just now?" Johnny's eyes darted back and forth from the bruising on my chest, back to my eyes. 

"Please don't say nothing about it, Johnny.  Please." I begged him. 

Johnny didn't say a damn thing, as his jaw seemed to clench.  

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now