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Everything happened so quickly.

Dallas was tearing my clothes off as fast as he could, before throwing a blanket over the two of us. 

I hadn't even realized that Dallas was already inside of me, until he started thrusting hard.  

His body seemed to almost collapse on top of mine, as he was filled with pure bliss. 

Dallas's lips were kissing every inch of skin they touched, as the grip on my wrists grew tighter. 

I was in fucking heaven. 

Everything felt fucking wonderful. 

His touch, his lips, his... Everything. 

Dallas fucked like a God.  

"You're so fucking good." Dallas breathed out, his voice seemed to hitch at the end. 

Dallas let go of my wrists, as he gripped the underside of my chin tightly with his hand.  

He turned my face to look at him. 

His eyes were filled with hunger for me. 

"Mhmmm? What about that part about you begging on your knees for me?" I joked, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

Dallas's body was now completely pressed against mine. 

Dallas smiled a bit, as he looked directly into my eyes. 

Dallas reached up, and brushed the hair out of my face, as his thrusts slowed their pace. 

"I will beg for you every fucking day of my life." Dallas spoke into my ear.

"Now, relax.  Let me do all the work, doll.  You just gotta sit there and look pretty." Dallas told me.  

I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. 

"Don't tell me what to do." I jokingly said. 

Dallas gripped my waist tightly with his large hands, as he thrusted harder... and harder again. 

"You and I both know...how you love it when I tell you what to do." Dallas spoke in heavy breaths, in between each thrust. 

And before I could even say anything, the door swung open with a loud creak.  

I was hoping I just imagined it.

Dallas stopped instantly, and both of our heads snapped in the direction of the bedroom door. 

Luckily, Dallas had covered us up with a blanket prior to us getting started. 


He didn't lock the fucking door?!

"Oh, shit!" Buck Merrill gasped, before he let out a nervous chuckle. 

Oh my fucking God

I didn't know what do do or say, I just stared at Buck in complete shock. 

"What?!" Dallas huffed out, looking back at Buck, as he was still leaning over me. 

"Wasn't expecting that." Buck mumbled out, as his eyes bounced between Dallas and me.

"What do you want?" Dallas sternly asked him. 

"I... um... you're needed downstairs." Buck struggled to get his words out. 

"Well, obviously I'm busy." Dallas rolled his eyes as his voice grew louder. 

Dallas seemed more annoyed than anything. 

I was still in shock. 

We were caught red handed, there was no fucking denying that.  

"Yeah, I've... um... gathered that." Buck spoke again, as he nervously scratched the back of his head. 

"So...." Dallas stared at Buck for a moment, "what?"

"Um, it's Ponyboy and Johnny.  They're at the front door." Buck said with more confidence in his voice. 

Ponyboy and Johnny?

Why the hell are they here?

What time is it even?

Dallas swallowed hard, and let out a long deep breath. 

"Alright, I'll be down in a minute." Dallas spoke in a much softer voice now. 

"What time is it?" I asked Buck quickly. 

Buck looked down at his watch, "a little after 2."

Jesus, what the hell are those two doing out this late?

"Lock the door next time, you two." Buck said, as he closed the door, before walking away. 

"Yeah, yeah, I've learned my lesson!" Dallas yelled back to him. 

Dallas pushed himself off of me, and stepped back.

"You didn't lock the door?!" I scolded him, as he pulled his underwear and pants up. 

"Well, I wasn't planning on fucking you when we got in there." Dallas defended himself, as I sat up. 

Dallas sat on the bed next to me, as I held the blanket over my chest. 

"What could they want at this time?" I asked Dallas. 

Dallas let out a long sigh, as he ran his hands through his hair. 

"Who knows? But them showing up here at two in the morning, doesn't sound like it gonna be good." Dallas seemed to be growing nervous the more he thought about it. 

But, believe me... I was two. 

"What do I do? There's know where to hide up here.   I don't even know where you threw all my clothes." I asked. 

"Lay down on the bed, and cover yourself up either the blanket.  Depending on what happened, I might need to bring them up here to talk.   Just make sure you're covered, and look like you're sleeping." Dallas told me, as he stood up.

Dallas stood in front of me, as he looked down at me. 

"Alright." I agreed, and gave him a little nod. 

"Good girl," Dallas leaned down and gave me a small kiss on the lips, "I'll be back shortly."

Dallas then turned and walked out the door quickly, he didn't even bother zipping or buttoning his pants back up. 

I quickly crawled back into bed, and pulled the covers over my shoulders. 

I faced the wall, staying as quiet as I possibly could. 

I grew more and more anxious the longer Dallas was gone.  

I grew even more anxious, as I could hear three sets of footsteps coming up the stairs. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now