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When I got up the next day, I waited for Darry to leave before I came out of my room. 

I knew if I would have even saw him, the two of us probably would have got in another argument. 

As I walked out of my room, Soda was in the kitchen. 

"Morning!" He greeted me. 

I walked over to the kitchen where he stood. 

"You got coffee started?" I asked him. 

"Yeah, just starting it now." Soda looked up at me.

He stopped what he was doing, as he took a double take. 

Soda was speechless.  

"What?" I was confused. 

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Soda gave me a smirk. 

"Whattttt?" I dragged out. 

I honestly was truly confused. 

Soda walked up to me, and poked the side of my neck. 

"You gonna tell me what happened?" Soda was still smirking. 

That's when it hit me. 

Those fucking hickies. 

I ran to the bathroom, and shut the door behind me. 

Both sides of my neck were covered in large bruises all the way down past my collarbone.

Soda opened the door and peaked his head in. 

"You gonna tell me what you did? You gonna tell me who you did?" Soda cocked an eyebrow at me. 

He seemed almost giggly. 

"I didn't do anyone. Besides, it's probably best for the both of us that you don't know." I told him. 

I put my hand on his forehead, and shoved his head playfully out of the way of the door. 

I shut the door and went to the bathroom. 

When I opened the door, Soda stood out in the hall waiting for me. 

"Don't you have to go to work?" I asked him. 

"Not for another twenty minutes, enough time for you to tell me everything." Soda smiled. 

I rolled my eyes, walking past him, and I went back into my room. 

I sat down at my desk, as I began to try to cover up the hickies with whatever make up I could. 

A few minutes later, Soda crept into my room, and placed a cup of coffee in front of me. 

I folded my arms over my chest.

I looked up at Soda, who stood at my side anxiously waiting for me to spill. 

"I can't tell you, it's not that I don't trust you, because I do.  I don't really know what's going on.  I don't know if this was a one time thing or what.  I'll tell you eventually, just not now." I rambled on. 

"Mhmmm if I don't figure it out first." Soda replied. 

He gave me a little wave before he left. 

Once my neck was as concealed as I could get it, I came out of my room. 

Ponyboy must have left and went to the movies or something.

It was just me alone in the house. 

I watched TV for a bit, but there's was nothing good on. 

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