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As we entered Dallas's room, I slowly walked over and sat on the edge of his bed.

It was much more comfortable than mine. 

His room wasn't much bigger than mine though. 

He didn't have much, but neither did I. 

Dallas's room was much more put together than I thought it would be too. 

Dallas shut the door behind us, and he wandered over to sit down next to me. 

He sat down so close, our thighs were touching.

"You know, I really did think about you when I was locked up.  Now, I know you're gonna bring up Sylvia, because I was dating her.  I'm not saying this shit to start an argument, man.  I guess I just thought it was all too good to be true.  You and I, you know?" Dallas seemed to admit. 

The Dallas I know didn't talk so down to earth, without throwing an insult. 

Normally I would have said he was drunk, but Dallas wasn't drunk. 

He didn't stumble over his words, and his eyes didn't wander aimlessly around. 

Dallas stayed completely focused in. 

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him softly. 

"I mean, the way you all of a sudden started really talking to me.  Going out, and having fun.  You know, just..." Dallas picked at his fingertips as he spoke, "more comfortable. I just thought it must be too good to be true. I figured I should just move on before I got too deep into it.  I didn't mean to hurt you."


It was weird to see Dallas speak so seriously about this.  

He seemed like it was pure, raw emotion. 

"I know, Dal.  I know you didn't mean to upset me.  It just.... happened that way." I gave him a weak smile. 

"You know, I promise I'm not as terrible as everyone makes me out to be." Dallas smiled, as he put his arm around me. 

"I know, Dal." I rested my head on his shoulder and looked up at him, "my mother wouldn't have liked you if you were a bad guy."

Dallas's eyes seemed to light up a little bit, at my reassurance of my mother. 

My mom really did like Dallas. 

She always was there for him, and gave him the benefit of the doubt dispute his rocky up bringing. 

With his mom dying when he was younger, I think it helped him not to be so cold. 

"You remind me of your mother sometimes.  You've got her kind eyes and spirit, I've always valued that in you." Dallas whispered, as he brushed the loose hairs away from my forehead. 

His soft brown eyes looked at me, like I was his whole world. 

"And, you've got that wild side." Dallas spoke again. 

"Yeah, like when I jumped on that bucking horse at the ranch last year." I chuckled. 

The memory of 16 year old me played in the back of my eyes. 

I went with Buck and Dallas to the ranch, where they kept all the horses. 

In my defense, Buck told me that horse didn't buck "that bad".

I climbed that fence, and jumped on the back of that horse.

My life flashed before my eyes, as that horse jumped and kicked as hard as it could. 

I swear that thing flung me to the moon and back, before I smacked onto the ground. 

"Yeah, you scared me half to death when you did that." Dallas let out a booming laugh. 

"I got up, didn't I?" I gave him a satisfied nod. 

"You did, that surprised me the most. You got up, and walked it off like it was nothing, man." Dallas replied, as he seemed to pull me in tighter. 

"Yeah, my ass and back were bruised for weeks.  That hurt like hell." I smiled. 

"How'd you make your way here tonight, anyway? Ain't Darry expecting you to be home by now?" Dallas asked, changing the subject. 

Oh boy. 

"Well....." I sort of trailed off. 

"Well.... what?" Dallas asked, seeming a little bit concerned now. 

"I did go home.  Darry got mad that I wasn't "watching Ponyboy", and he started yelling at me.  I yelled back, because I'm sick of it.  I'm sick of him giving me all the responsibility of cleaning, taking care of everything, but treating me like a child.  Then, I left." I told him. 

Dallas paused for a moment, I was expecting him to start scolding me. 

He didn't. 

Dallas cracked a large smile.  

"Man, I would have paid to be a fly on the wall there.   I would have loved to see his damn face when you told him off." Dallas then let out another booming laugh. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure he's gonna tear me a new one when I go home tomorrow." I sighed. 

"Doll, don't worry about that." Dallas spoke in a soft voice.  

"You gonna magically make that worry go away?" I jokingly asked him. 

Dallas looked at me, his eyes almost seemed hungry. 

Dallas seemed to wrap his arms around me slowly, as he began kissing my neck roughly. 

"I'll try my best, to make you think about nothing. but. us." Dallas spoke at almost a growl in between kisses. 


His hands began slowly undressing me. 


I wanted nothing other than Dallas right now. 

I wanted him just as bad as he wanted me. 

"Quit being a gentleman." I said, as I smashed my lips into his. 

That gave Dallas the green light. 

Dallas filled with excitement, as he pushed me onto my back. 

Dallas quickly ripped his shirt off, before leaning himself on top of me. 

Dallas now laid on top of me, as he pinned my hands above my head... with just one of his. 

"This all you got, Winston?" I looked him up and down.

Dallas smirked as he gripped my wrists even tighter. 

"I'm just getting started," Dallas began undoing his belt with is freehand, "while I'm at it... I'm gonna knock that attitude out of you, too."

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now