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I woke up eventually because someone slammed the front door.

It was sometime in the late afternoon, it looked like it was starting to get dark outside.

It took me a few minutes to figure out where I even was. 

Jesus Christ I was sore. 

My whole body was. 

As I sat up on the couch, I realized Johnny sat on the end. 

He gave me a small wave, as my feet rested on his lap. 

I must have moved my feet onto his lap while I was sleeping. 

"Sorry, Johnny." I apologized, and quickly moved my feet. 

"It's alright, I didn't mind." He replied simply. 

"Jesus Christ!" Two-bit let out a loud laugh, as he walked over to the front door. 

I looked over to see Dallas Winston standing there. 

He's the one that slammed the God damn door, and woke me up. 

My jaw almost dropped to the floor. 

His neck was absolutely covered in dark purple hickies. 

"Eh, you know." Dallas smiled, and shrugged. 

He didn't even try to hide the hickies. 

It was almost as if he wanted people to know. 

It was like he was flaunting them. 

"Oooooh, who did that?" Two-bit cocked an eyebrow at him. 

"Just some broad, man." Dallas stuck his hand out, and shook Two-bit's hand.  


My heart seemed to sink a little bit.

Just some broad?

Does he really think I was just some broad?

I know he wasn't going to say it was me, especially since Darry was right there.... and he would have killed him on the spot if he knew....

But God damn, he could have said anything else but that. 

I stood up, and grabbed a cigarette from the dining room table. 

"And you, I told you not to sleep the day away!" Darry seemed to scold me.  

"I did the dishes.  I didn't mean to fall asleep." I defended myself. 

"Yeah, you did the dishes..... but the kitchen still needed to be cleaned, the laundry needed to be done, the living room needed to be vacuumed." Darry rambled on. 

I was so angry at everything in that moment. 

Being sort of upset to begin with didn't help. 

I was so angry, I felt like I was gonna cry. 

I turned away from him. 

Without saying a word, I walked out the front door. 

I walked down the street and all the way to the lot.  

I sat down on the old car seat that was left there months ago. 

I lit my cigarette, took a long deep drag, laid my head back, and closed my eyes.

"You alright?" Johnny said.  

I jumped at the sound of his voice. 

I didn't expect him to follow me. 

Well, I didn't expect anyone to. 

"You scared me." I moved over, and gave him room to sit. 

"You're scaring me running off like that." Johnny said, as he sat down next to me. 

"I didn't mean to scare you.  I just needed to get out of there," I admitted, "I just can't stand Darry bitching at me all the time.  It's either I don't do enough, or I don't do it right.  I know I shouldn't be complaining, because it could be worse.  But, damn it! Give me a God damn break!"

I did feel bad complaining to Johnny Cade, knowing his home life and how his parents are.

"You seemed more upset about Dallas." Johnny responded quietly. 

"What makes you think that?" I was getting nervous for some reason. 

"Just the look on your face when he said that.  I thought you were gonna throw up." Johnny sort of chuckled at the end.  

I forced a chuckle. 

"I know he can be sort of cold, but I've never liked it when he called woman that." Johnny chewed his finger nails as he talked. 

"He's not always so cold. Sometimes he's not too bad." I shrugged. 

"Yeah, I know." Johnny looked at me for a moment. 

His dark brown eyes, which always had a uneasy look to them, seemed to soften. 

Johnny Cade seemed to be almost relaxed. 

In that moment, I realized that Johnny Cade and I were more alike than I thought we were. 

We understood each other without even saying a God damn word. 

Though we were both relatively quiet, we took in everything around us. 

We understand everyone, but not everyone understands us. 

After I cooled down enough, Johnny and I walked back to the Curtis house. 

From the looks of it, as we stepped into the porch, Darry had already gone to bed. 

It looked like everyone had gone to bed or left. 

"For what it's worth, I don't think you're a broad." Johnny spoke out of no where. 


"I see the way he looks at you. And believe me, I know when two people have been sneaking around together.  Besides, the makeup is rubbing off your neck." Johnny spoke again. 




"You ain't gonna tell anyone, right?" I asked him. 

There was really no point in trying to deny it. 

"Who am I gonna tell? I only really talk to Dallas, well and you." Johnny responded. 

"Thank you." I smiled. 

Deep down in my chest, I knew I could trust Johnny Cade

"See you at school tomorrow?" Johnny asked me. 

"Yeah, you gonna walk with me?" I asked. 

"Sure, I'll be here at 7:30." Johnny said, before walking off into the night. 

From that moment on, Johnny Cade became my best friend.  

I trusted him with every ounce in my body, and he trusted me. 

For once in our lives, we both had someone to rely on. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now