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After a few minutes, Johnny had woken back up. 

He was a little dazed and confused at first, but eventually came around.  

Once he was considered stable again, the nurses and aids turned him on his back, before they left.  

After a few more minutes, the door slowly creaked open, and Dallas peaked his head in. 

"Hey!" Dallas seemed excited, as he walked in. 

"Hey, Dal!" Johnny smiled. 

Dallas extended his hand out, and Johnny shook it. 

Dallas then quickly turned his head towards me. 

"Hey, doll!" Dallas quickly walked over to me, and sat on the edge of the bed. 

He didn't have a gown on like I did.  

He didn't even have a shirt on. 

Just his jeans, and his shoes. 

I greeted him with a smile, as I forced myself to sit up. 

Dallas quickly put his hands behind my head, and kissed me. 

"That's gross, man." Johnny chuckled, as he tried to fake gag.

Dallas let out a booming laugh, as he pulled away. 

"Sorry, man." Dallas chuckled, as he placed his hand on my knee. 

"You seem like you're going okay." I mentioned too him. 

"Yeah, I'm not too bad. Just my arm," Dallas held up his forearm, which was bandaged, "It itches more than anything."

Dallas looked at Johnny, then back at me. 

His facial expression seemed to drop to a more serious tone. 

"How are you both doing?" Dallas seemed almost scared to ask.  

"I'm alright, Dal." Johnny sighed.  

"Yeah, me too." I spoke after Johnny. 

I guess Johnny and I came to the mutual agreement of not actually telling Dallas how bad we really were.  

We both didn't look good. 

You could tell Dallas didn't believe us, but he quickly tried to brush it off. 

"They wrote about is in the paper." Dallas quickly changed the subject, as he reached into his back pocket, pulling out this mornings newspaper. 

"Huh?" I asked him in disbelief, as he handed me the paper. 

Dallas was right. 

On the front page of the paper it read, "delinquent youths turn hero after daring fire rescue", in big bold letters. 

It had all four of our pictures, and an editorial on what happened. 

"You weren't kidding." I smiled, as I handed Dallas the paper back. 

Dallas then walked the paper over to Johnny, and handed it to him so he could read it, before he came back and sat on the edge of my bed again.  

"Yeah, I couldn't believe it either.  The first time I've had my picture it the paper and it didn't say, 'wanted: dead or alive,' On it." Dallas then let out another loud laugh.  

Johnny's eyes seemed to light up, as they read through the article. 

"Tim Shepard dropped by this morning.  There's a rumbled at tonight against the soc's, I ain't missing it.   I'm gonna bust out of here, man." Dallas spoke again. 

He seemed almost excited about the rumble, which I wouldn't put it past him. 

Dallas liked to fight. 

Johnny and I both let out sighs.  

"Fighting ain't gonna do no good.  Nothings gonna change at the end of the day." Johnny shook his head at the thought of the rumble. 

Johnny are a lot alike in that way. 

We didn't like fights, we never tried to start any either.  

We both liked to keep to ourselves, and didn't really talk unless we were spoken to. 

"How exactly do you plan on busting out of here? It's a fucking hospital, Dal." I asked him. 

Dallas gave me a large grin, as he pulled a large butterfly knife out from the front of his jeans. 

Just by the looks of it, I could tell it was Twobit's knife he always carried with him.  

Now, that was Twobit's most prized possession. 

I bet Dallas really had to bug him enough for him to hand it over.  

But, that's the thing about Dallas Winston. 

Dallas Winston is stubborn, and he always gets what he wants. 

That's when there were soft knocks at out door. 

The head doctor from the hospital then stepped into the room. 

You know when the head doctor comes in, it's either going to be really good news... or really fucking bad news. 

"Mr. Winston, please get back to your room.  You're not supposed to be out of bed." The doctor scolded them. 

Dallas rolled his eyes at him, before he stood up. 

"I'm visiting my friends. But all rightttt, I'm going." Dallas scuffed at him, as he walked past.  

The doctor watched Dallas, as he walked to the door. 

Before Dallas walked out, he turned back and said, "I'll see you two later."

The doctor took in a long deep breath, before he grabbed a chair from the edge of the room. 

He pulled the chair in between Johnny and I, before sitting down on it. 

The doctor flipped through the many pages on his clip board. 

He took a few minutes, and read them silently to himself, before he placed the clip board down on his lap.  

His eyes bounced between Johnny and I a few times, before he began to speak. 

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