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"I guess you and that guy aren't really working out, huh?" Soda asked in a calm voice. 

I always valued his ability to remain calm in just about any situation. 

"I don't know.  One minute it's good, and the next it isn't.  I don't wanna just blame one person, because I know it's both of us.  I guess I just wish things were easier." I mumbled. 

Soda gave me a reassuring smile. 

"Things will work out, they always do.  They just need time and patience." He then gave me a nod. 

Before I could even say anything else, Two-bit came barging in the front door. 

Dallas, Johnny, and Darry followed him in. 

It was about that time where everyone showed up here anyway. 

"Looks like someone decorated the front lawn." Twobit chuckled, as he went over to the fridge and scavenged through it. 

"Something like that." I replied quietly. 

As Dallas walked past me, his eyes met mine. 

He had a cold look on his face, which sort of scared me.... but sort of excited me at the same time

"You better go pick them up." Darry scolded me. 

I rolled my eyes. 

"Roll your eyes again, and I'll show you how fast they can really roll around in your head." Darry sort of joked. 

"Hey," Twobit spoke up to Darry, "can I have the flowers? I think Kathy would like them."

Kathy was a girl that Twobit has been going out with once in a while. 

"Whatever, as long as they are off the front lawn." Darry huffed. 

Dallas seemed to be more interested in their conversation now. 

Before Twobit made his way to the front door, Dallas grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. 

"Why don't you ask her if she wants any of them?" Dallas told Twobit, referred to me. 

Twobit looked over at me, and sort of chuckled. 

"She don't like pink." Twobit shrugged, as he pushed past Dallas, and went outside. 

Dallas let out sort of a defeated sigh, as he quickly followed Twobit. 


I went to my room after that. 

I didn't know what to do or say. 

All I know is I wanted to be alone. 

I tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. 

My mind kept me awake. 

It was some time in the middle of the night when I got up, and went outside for a cigarette. 

To my surprise, Dallas was standing on the porch smoking. 

I swallowed hard, as I slowly stepped onto the porch. 

I was nervous to talk to him after our argument.

"What you you still doing up?" Dallas asked me in a soft spoken voice. 

It was almost calming.

"I guess I couldn't sleep," I walked up to stand next to him, "what are you doing here this late at night?"

Dallas smiled a little bit, stepping closer, as he handed me his cigarette. 

"I guess I couldn't sleep either." Dallas replied, as I took a long drag from the cigarette. 

I stayed quiet. 

I could feel the tension building in my body. 

"Calm down, sweetheart." I guess he could tell how anxious I was, "you know, I didn't mean anything bad about what I said.  I wasn't calling you  a broad.  I didn't realize how mad it made you, man... until you threw those flowers on the lawn."

He let out a little chuckle at the end. 

"I literally told you how mad I was... and you blew it off, that's why I'm mad.  And I tried to thank you for the flowers, and you were a total dick head." I defended myself. 

Dallas looked like he was going to say something back, but stopped himself. 

Probably a good thing too, because it probably would have turned into another argument. 

"I got you something." Dallas said suddenly, as he reached into his pocket and dug around. 

He grabbed something, and quickly placed it into my hand. 

"I'm scared to even look at it." I chuckled. 

I opened my hand, and there was a red lipstick sitting on my palm. 

Dallas placed his arm around my shoulder. 

"You know... since I broke the other one." Dallas smiled. 

"Thank you, Dal." I looked up at him. 

"You gonna forgive me for being a dick now, or you gonna stay mad at me forever?" Dallas smiled, and raised his eyebrows at me. 

"Mhmmmmm, I'll think about it." I joked, as I handed him the rest of his cigarette back. 

"I'll win you back sooner or later." Dallas chuckled. 

"Ohhh, that's what you think." I replied sarcastically. 

Dallas pulled me closer to him, as he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"Did that help a little bit in my favor?" Dallas asked, as he broke away from the kiss. 

"I've gotta go to bed." I smiled widely, as I stepped back from him. 

"You gonna let me lay with you, or am I gonna have to climb in through your window?" Dallas stepped closer to me. 

How can I say no to him?

He was always some how so charming and charismatic

"Come on, before I change my mind." I giggled. 

Dallas followed me quietly through the house, and into my bedroom. 

The two of us laid down, wrapped around each other's body's. 

I rested my head on his chest, as I closed my eyes. 

I was in a much better mood now that Dallas and I were on good terms. 

Dallas ran his fingers through my hair softly, as I drifted off to sleep. 

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