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I threw on a pair of boot cut jeans, and a cute black shirt. 

I did a full face of makeup, and topped it off with some dark eye liner and red lipstick. 

Darry always yelled at me when I wore any makeup other than mascara. 

I liked to wear make up. 

I liked to do make up, I always thought it was fun. 

I brushed through my long hair. 

Then, I waited.  

I waited to hear Darry leave the house and head to work.  

Once I heard the truck start and drive off down the street, I came out of my room. 

I grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the counter, and slipped my shoes on, before I ran out the door. 

Bucks truck was waiting a few blocks down the street.

I ran to him, and hopped in the passenger side. 

"Look at you, all dolled up. You trying to find yourself a bull riding cowboy?" Buck teased me. 

"Whatever will get me free drinks." I shrugged. 


Buck and I spent just about all day at the rodeo. 

I stood by the fence, drank beer, and watched the cowboys and bull riders until it started to get dark. 

Buck was making his way back over to me, so we could leave before the parking lot turned into a traffic jam. 

Buck stopped, as someone approached him. 

They smiled, as they shook each other's hands. 


Was he talking to Dallas Winston?

I looked a little harder at the two of them. 

It was Dallas Winston. 

Dallas looked at me, and did a double  take, as if he was trying to figure if it was really me.... or if he was imagining it.

Oh, I hope he doesn't recognize me. 

I hope he doesn't say something to Darry about seeing me at the rodeo in another town. 

I quickly turned away, as I gulped down the rest of my beer. 

I was scared to even look in their direction. 

After a few minutes, Buck finally make his way to me. 

The two of us left the rodeo, and Buck brought me back home. 

He didn't say a word about Dallas. 

"I've got a party going tonight, you gonna make an appearance?" Buck asked me, as I hopped out of the truck.

"If I can sneak out, I'll be there." I told him. 

Buck gave me a nod, as I shut the door, and he drove away. 

I walked the short distance down the street back home. 

I walked in the front door, as I tried to stay unnoticed. 

"Why you got all that on your face?" Ponyboy asked me. 

Darry, who was sitting in the chair in the corner of the room, tossed his newspaper down. 

His head snapped in my direction, and he stood up to walk over to me. 

Oh no. 

"Thanks, Pony." I scuffed under my breath. 

"Why do you have all that makeup on? For what?" Darry seemed to almost scold me. 

"Because I like it." I mumbled. 

"Soda, what do you think of it?" Darry said, as he crossed his arms over his chest. 

Soda, who was in the kitchen, peaked his head around the corner. 

"I think it looks cute, good job on it." Soda smiled, as he gave me a thumbs up. 

Oh, how I wanted to laugh in Darry's face on how that back fired on him. 

Soda's response only made Darry angrier. 

"I think you better head to bed." Darry huffed at me. 


I pushed past Darry, and I marched to my room.  

I locked the door behind me, and I sat on my bed for a few minutes. 

It did always upset me when Darry made comments on my makeup or what I was wearing. 

I mean, I'm seventeen, I'm not a little kid anymore. 

He always treats me like I still am. 

Besides, he should just be glad I'm not walking around naked

I stayed up for a while, waiting to hear Darry and Ponyboy to go to bed.  

Soda saw me sneak out occasionally, but he never said anything to Darry about it. 

If Ponyboy ever did, he would throw me under the bus to Darry instantly. 

It didn't seem like anyone was going to bed anytime soon, so I guess I'm going out my bedroom window instead of the usual front door. 

I shut my bedroom lights off, and shoved clothes under my blankets to look like I was sleeping soundly underneath them. 

I slowly and quietly unlocked with window, and slid it open.  

I stuck my legs out of the window, trying to be as quiet as I could. 

I grabbed the top of the window frame, as I hoisted the rest of my body out. 

I sat on the window, before I jumped down to the ground. 

As I slowly pulled the window shut, I stopped. 

I could hear someone breathing. 

I felt like I was being watched. 

I looked over to the front porch, and there stood...

Dallas Winston.   

He was leaning against the railing, his forearms resting on the wood. 

He pulled the cigarette from his lips, and he flicked the butt off into the grass. 

"Where you going?" Dallas asked me. 

Dallas's low toned, thick New York accent always carried very loudly every time he talked. 

Me being scared Dallas was going to blow my cover, I brought my pointer finger up to my lips, to hush him. 

Dallas leaned back and looked into the house through the little window on the front door. 

He smirked, as he hopped over the porch railing, and walked over to me. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now