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I sat up in a terrified jolt. 

I let out a horrified scream as well, as I opened my eyes. 

Johnny and Ponyboy stood over me looking down. 

They were both scared to death, but I mean so was I. 

When you're suddenly woken up by two people screaming at the top of their lungs, wouldn't you be scared too?

I think what startled me the most was the fact that Ponyboy's have was now blonde. 

"Jesus Christ, you two!" I scolded them, as I tried to catch my breath and get my bearings.  

For a moment when I got up, it took me a minute to remember I wasn't at home

"When did you get here?! How did you get here?!" Ponyboy frantically asked. 

"Last night some time.  Dallas brought me." I told them, as I stood up. 

My heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Keep your voice down, Ponyboy." Johnny hushed him, before he handed each of us a cigarette. 

"Of course Dallas would," Ponyboy scuffed, "since you and him are all good buddies now."

Oh, here we fucking go. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, as my cigarette dangled from my lips. 

"We went to Buck's last night, and we saw you sleeping in Dallas's bed! Naked! You know me and him don't get along!" Ponyboy hollered. 

Is he fucking serious?

You guys killed someone... and are hiding out in an abandoned church in a different town... and you're worried about me laying in Dallas bed?

I stared at Ponyboy for a moment, trying to wrap my head around his ridiculous thought process. 

"How does that have anything to do with you?" I forced a chuckle. 

Ponyboy's eyes narrowed at me, which only made me laugh even more. 

I couldn't take him seriously with how ridiculous he looked with blonde hair. 

"With how you always beg to be treated your age, you sure don't wanna act your age." I spat at him. 

"Ok, Darry." Ponyboy huffed under his breath. 


Ponyboy always knows just how to intentionally push me over the edge. 

He knew he could get away with it this time. 

Only because we were hiding out and Johnny was here. 

Otherwise, he wouldn't have dared to say that. 

Ponyboy knew I would have knocked him into next week. 

"Go sit outside, Ponyboy."I sternly told him. 

Ponyboy rolled his eyes at me, and mumbled something smart underneath his breath, before wondering out the back door of the church. 

"Did Dal send you up here?" Johnny asked in a soft voice. 

"No, Darry actually did.  I brought some food and stuff with me too.  He wanted me to bring you guys some stuff, and to make sure you're okay.  Dallas will be back here in a few days once everything has cooled off." I told Johnny. 

Johnny paced around for a minute, finishing his cigarette quickly and tossing the rest to the ground. 

"Ponyboy and Darry got in a fight, so we went to the park to cool off," Johnny admitted, "we were gonna go home.  They tried to jump us, and..... and they were trying to drown Ponyboy... I didn't mean to kill him.... I didn't mean to.... I had too."

Johnny's voice was shaking, and he looked like he was going to cry. 

"I know, Johnny. It will be okay." I reassured him. 

Johnny gave me a slow nod, as he did everything he could to try to swallow his emotions. 

"You know, Darry and I were arguing when I got home from the movies.  I sorta ran our on him too..." I trailed off. 

Maybe Darry only yelled at Ponyboy because he was already mad at me. 

Maybe none of this wouldn't have happened if I didn't argue with Darry?

The two of us stayed quiet for a while, as I slowly finished the rest of my cigarette. 

Then, Johnny let out a little laugh... it was almost a giggle. 

"What?" I asked him. 

"When we came to Buck's that night, Dallas told us he was sleeping.  That was a surprise to see you up there... you know..." Johnny sort of nudged me. 

"Yeah, yeah.  That wasn't my intention when I got to Buck's.   I was there before Dallas actually." I smiled. 

"You must be doing okay with him now?" Johnny asked, "I mean, after you left the movies and the whole Sylvia thing, I figured you were going to tear his head off the next time you saw him."

I laughed at that a little bit. 

"I was going to," I smiled again, "but, me and him went up stairs and talked for a while.  He was actually nice, and he even apologized to me."

"I'm glad you two are okay again.  You two go good together, and I'm not just saying that cause you both my friends.  I really mean it." Johnny admitted. 

"Thank you." I gave him a little nod.

"Yeah, and I know you two were doing more than just talking up there." Johnny joked. 

"Yeah, and you guys showed up at the wrong time. You couldn't have waited another fifteen minutes?" I joked back. 

"Let's grab Ponyboy, and make us something to eat.  I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Johnny responded. 

"Yeah, me too.  Man, I wish I had some coffee with us.   I'm gonna have a fucking head ache the size of Texas." I chuckled. 

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