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That next morning, after I got ready for school, I found Johnny waiting for me on the front porch. 

Ponyboy always left early, so I usually walked alone. 

So, it was nice to have Johnny accompany me on the walk. 

Well, until Dallas saw us walking and decided to join us.

Which I didn't mind at first, my the way my mind had the word broad on repeat. 

It seemed to echo through my head any moment I thought about Dallas Winston. 

"What about you?" Dallas asked me, which brought me back to reality.

"Huh?" I said, I wasn't listening at all to his and Johnny's conversation. 

Dallas let out a little laugh at my reply. 

"The Dingo, after school." Dallas almost seemed annoyed at having to repeat himself. 

I shook my head 'no'. 

Dallas's whole body language seemed to change.  

The way he seemed to stand up a little taller, as his body seemed to stiffen up. 

His jaw clenched, and his eyes narrowed. 

"Whatever, I'll catch you later, Johnny." Dallas huffed, as he walked away from us. 

"He seemed almost... mad." I mumbled to Johnny, as we walked into school. 

"Yeah, no body really tells him no.  I'm surprised he didn't blow a gasket." Johnny responded. 

I shrugged in response. 

"I'll catch you for lunch, then." Johnny said, before walking away. 

I gathered my books from my locker, and began making my way to my first class. 

As I walked through the busy halls, I passed by Dallas. 

He stopped what he was doing, turned around, and weaved through the maze of people to catch up to me. 

"Hey, man." Dallas spoke, as he tried to catch his breath. 

"What?" I responded, as I held my text books close to my chest. 

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Dallas asked me, as he trailed behind me closely. 

"About what?" I huffed at him. 

Dallas gripped my arm, just above the elbow, and pulled me aside in the hallway. 

"Why don't you want to go to the Dingo with me and Johnny, man?" Dallas asked me, as he leaned his shoulder against the wall next to us. 

"I would go with Johnny, just not you."

"Huh?!" Dallas's voice raised a little bit. 

Oh, fuck.  I can't believe I just said that. 

The words just spilled out of my mouth.

I swallowed hard. 

"Why not? I thought we were cool, you know? After... all day yesterday." Dallas's eyes bounced back and forth between mine. 

He seemed almost anxious. 

Believe me, I was too. 

"I'm just some broad, right? Ask someone else to go with you." I spoke quietly. 

Dallas bit the inside of his cheek, as he digested what I had just said. 

I think he was more embarrassed that I brought it up to his face. 

No Angel - Dallas Winston Where stories live. Discover now